Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This technical brief examines the fact that adolescent pregnancy increases the risk of childhood stunting. issue of adolescent pregnancy and its implications for the prevalence of stunting. The brief describes promising evidence of what works to address these issues, including changing community attitudes toward early marriage and providing adolescents with life skills and livelihoods.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This document guides countries in developing competency-based educational programs in adolescent health and development for pre-service and in-service education. The ultimate goal of the competency framework is to increase the quality of health-care services provided to adolescents by improving the education of primary health care providers.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This report summarizes the results of research designed to implement mGlobal of the recommendations from USAID/ENGINE formative research on adolescent girls’ nutrition-related behaviors. The purpose of this new research is to contribute to the development of strategic communication interventions, alongside with other interventions, to help improve adolescent girls’ nutrition outcomes.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This document provides information about the USAID/Growth through Nutrition project's Adolescent Girl Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Nutrition Strategy. It explores the following issues related to adolescent girls' nutrition: nutrition behaviors, priority actors and audiences, facilitators and barriers, messaging and positioning for interventions, and communication channels and platforms.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This report documents the outcomes and lessons learned from a rapid assessment of Adolescent Nutrition SBCC programming in Ethiopia to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. The findings address the training of teachers and student group facilitators/leaders, actions that teachers, facilitators, and administrators can take, and actions for nutrition regional offices.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This report documents the outcomes and lessons learned from a rapid assessment of Growth through Nutrition’s adolescent girl nutrition SBCC strategy programming in Ethiopia. The report's recommendations focus on the training of teachers and student group leaders/facilitators; actions that teachers, facilitators, and program administrators can take; and steps for Growth through Nutrition regional offices.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
The purpose of this formative research was to inform the development of interventions, activities, and materials that support adolescent nutrition in Timor Leste from an SBC perspective. The study's key findings and recommendations relate to such issues as snacks at school, drinks, nutrition-related illness, cultural and gender norms, adolescent influencers, and communication channels.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
This “Reflections” article reviews the recently released documentary by Carlota Nelson, Brain Matters. The film focuses on the first three years of life when a baby’s brain is optimized for learning, highlighting evidence that child development interventions during this period yield lifetime developmental benefits.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This formative qualitative research study, conducted in three Cambodian provinces, focused on the perspectives, experiences, and suggestions of adolescent girls and their communities related to adolescent health and nutrition. Based on the study's findings, evidence-based recommendations were created to improve the design of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions for adolescents.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank
This formative qualitative research study, conducted in Kenya, focused on the perspectives, experiences, and suggestions of adolescent girls and their communities related to adolescent health and nutrition. The report includes recommendations related to strengthening the visibility of adolescents, influencing adolescent nutrition, engaging adolescents, platforms of engagement, and partnerships.