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Diet Assessment Tool

Users can embed the DQ-Q into an existing survey. Use the DQ-Q is a questionnaire to ask respondents about consumption of sentinel foods from 29 food groups. The questionnaire has been validated through cognitive testing. Use the data to construct the indicator minimum dietary diversity for women (MDD-W). Additionally, use the data to construct the Global Dietary Recommendation (GDR) score = [GDR-Healthy] – [GDR-Limit].
Project Leadership

Selorme is a public health professional with over 20 years of experience in programming, technical leadership, and management. Before becoming Chief of Party, he served as the National Support Manager for USAID Advancing Nutrition Ghana. Throughout his career, he has worked with government agencies, development partners, and both non-governmental and civil society organizations.

Conducting case studies on implementing Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative national responsibilities in Malawi and the Kyrgyz Republic.

Understanding the dietary practices of infants, young children, and women can strengthen policies, programs, and interventions to improve nutrition. Updated guidance on 17 indicators for infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices and minimum dietary diversity for women (MDD-W) have recently been released by UNICEF-WHO and FAO, respectively.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Integrated community case management (iCCM) brings identification, treatment, and referral of common childhood illnesses such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, and malnutrition, as well as newborn care to the community. In Kenya, community health volunteers (CHVs) implement iCCM under the guidance of community health extension workers. While iCCM has a significant focus on disease treatment, it is unclear what level of counseling CHVs provide to facilitate prevention of common childhood illnesses.
Project Leadership

Avinash has served in different leadership positions in the social development sector for last 20 years. He has designed and managed programs on sustainable rural livelihoods; agriculture with a focus on agro-ecology and nutrition sensitive agriculture; maternal, Infant and adolescent health and overall nutrition programming; clean energy; enterprise development and market access. He has led programs in India as well as several other countries in South and South East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
News and Features

USAID Advancing Nutrition is piloting a new counseling package for community-level counselors and health care providers that focuses on promoting responsive care and early learning. 
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This case study reviews the East, Central, and Southern African Health Community (ECSA-HC) work on health and nutrition. This inter-governmental group coordinates regional strategies to address the highest-level policymakers and to hold the countries accountable for the consequences of micronutrient malnutrition. The story of the ECSA-HC exemplifies local and regional ownership, high-level diplomacy, and practical action.

The Feeding and Disability Resource Bank, a collection of resources to address feeding difficulties and disability inclusion in nutrition programs, is currently under development. Please check back at this link for the full resource bank.

Are you a program planner or practitioner working to improve complementary feeding of young children or other nutrition behaviors?Use this web page to explore key concepts of behavior-centered programming to improve nutrition outcomes, with complementary feeding as your case study example. This page also introduces the six modules in the associated Enabling Better Complementary Feeding: Guidance and Workbook.