USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
The MotherCare Project, a USAID-funded program, was aimed at preventing maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. The project included activities that engaged in a series of applied research initiatives and offered short-term technical and training support. Examples of resources developed for use in Indonesia include pill reminders and other communication materials.
Exploring the Influence of Social Norms on Complementary Feeding: A Scoping Review of Observational, Intervention, and Effectiveness Studies
Publication Date:
Social and Behavior Change and Gender
The influence of social norms on child feeding is recognized, but guidance is lacking on how to address norms and related perceptions that hinder or support positive nutrition practices.
USAID/Lishe Endelevu’s Adolescent Nutrition Social and Behavior Change Communication Resources Bank
Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This resource was developed under the USAID-funded Lishe Endelevu Activity for a Social and Behavior Change Communication project, which targeted girls 15–19 in Tanzania. Materials were adapted from Growth Through Nutrition (Ethiopia). Resources include a a Swahili language training guide, posters, and games aimed at improving nutritional awareness, knowledge, and skills.
Guía de Nutrición y Alimentación Saludable en el Adolescente
Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This guide is intended primarily for parents and teachers of adolescents and provides information about nutritional requirements for adolescents. It also describes common areas of concern regarding adolescent nutrition and provides guidance for developing healthy dietary habits.
Adolescents: Agents of Change for a Well-Nourished World: GAIN Convening Paper Series no. 2
Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This report summarizes a consultation that convened researchers, practitioners, policymakers, youth organizations, and adolescents from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Zambia. The report identifies themes that emerged from the consultation, including priorities for adolescent nutrition, lessons from other sectors, and key considerations for working with adolescents.
Investing in the Future of Bangladesh: Cost Effective Interventions to Improve Adolescent Nutrition
Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionMicronutrient InterventionsPhysical ActivityReproductive Health
This policy brief describes the current health challenges facing adolescents in Bangladesh, including increasing overweight/obesity, even as sub-optimal growth, growth faltering, and micronutrient deficiencies persist. The brief includes six recommendations for interventions, including supplementation, school-based nutrition education, and preventing early marriage.
Pakistan Adolescent Nutrition Strategy and Operational Plan
Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionMicronutrient InterventionsReproductive HealthWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
The Pakistan Adolescent Nutrition Strategy summarizes the state of health and nutrition among 10–19 year olds, with an emphasis on malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. The stratgey outlines three strategic areas, the role of development partners, and monitoring and evaluation strategies.
Food and Me: How Adolescents Experience Nutrition across the World
Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This report synthesizes findings from workshops with 600+ adolescents in 18 countries, in which the participants talked about their diets, nutritional knowledge, body image, and barriers and facilitators of healthy eating.
State of the World's Children (SOWC) 2019 Adolescents' Workshop Manual and Nutrition Specialist Field Guide
Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionFood Security
In 2019, UNICEF, in partnership with Western Sydney University, conducted a series of workshops with adolescents to learn about how they perceive, access, and consume food. The facilitator's manual outlines the process that in-country partners followed to organize and implement the workshops, and includes planning checklists, activities, handouts, and consent forms.
Guía de Capacitación en Alimentación y Nutrición para Docentes y Comités de Alimentación Escolar
Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionFood Safety
This training guide for teachers and school nutrition committees covers topics like nutrition, food safety, and food hygiene and includes suggestions for developing interactive, participatory educational activities.
Plan de Capacitación para la Enseñanza de la Alimentación y Nutrición dirigido a docentes de primero y segundo ciclo
Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionFood Safety
This training plan is intended to prepare teachers to educate school-aged children on nutrition, diet and food security. The guide includes educational strategies and activities for interactive learning and the mprovement of students' nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors.
Adolescent NutritionAnemiaWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
This newsletter highlights programs and activities conducted during the previous quarter of Project ANSH in four districts of India. Activities include teacher trainings on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) promotion, peer education, an assessment of fast food consumption among adolescents, and other health interventions.
Lives in the Balance: A COVID-19 Summit for the Health and Well-being of Women, Children and Adolescents
Publication Date:
COVID-19Emergency NutritionFood SecurityReproductive HealthWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Lives in the Balance was a virtual summit convened to discuss the health and well-being of women, children, and adolescents during the COVID-10 pandemic. Video recordings of the plenary, breakout, and "marketplace" (brief presentations highlighting programs) sessions are available.
This e-book highlights the relationship between child health and education, in terms of access to education and ability to obtain the maximum benefits from education. It describes effective health and nutrition interventions delivered through school health programs and outlines the role of partnerships and multi-sectoral approaches.
This document defines key indicators and outlines standards for health-promoting schools, which leverage the educational infrastructure in communities to improve all aspects of health, including physical, social-emotional, and psychological conditions, and positive educational attainment.
This document provides guidance for the development, implementation, and monitoring of health-promoting schools at the national, regional, and local levels. Health-promoting schools aim to provide a healthy school environment that can be tailored to national and local health priorities.
This policy brief outlines the current nutritional status of adolescents in Indonesia, highlights national policy efforts to fill gaps in adolescent nutrition, and provides recommendations for future nutrition interventions. It also contains specific information for targeting out-of-school youth and keeping youth in school.
These slides provide operational guidance on infant and young child feeding in emergencies, with particular emphasis on multi-sector collaboration to improve adolescent services during humanitarian crises.
This document outlines the FAO's commitment to improving global nutrition and food security through nutrition education. It describes effective nutrition education and highlights several possible strategies to integrate nutrition education, improved food security, and health promotion.