USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Guide to Anthropometry: A Practical Tool for Program Planners, Managers, and Implementers
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
This resource can be used to better collect, understand, and use anthropometric data as part of service provision, surveillance, surveys, monitoring and evaluation, or program design.
Feed the Future Population-Based Survey Sampling Guide and Calculator
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
The aim of the guide is to provide technical guidance on the design of population-based surveys to support the collection and analysis of data used to create key Feed the Future zone of influence population-based survey indicators.
Ensuring Attainment of Required Survey Sample Size of Children under 5 Years of Age through the Projection of the Appropriate Number of Households to Randomly Sample
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
An inherent challenge in multipurpose sample surveys is choosing the appropriate number of households to sample. This report introduces a novel method of approaching the problem and suggests a sampling distribution of the unknown parameters to create a second statistical method. A comparison is made between the new proposed methods and two existing methods.
Dietary Diversity and Determinants Survey Guide and User’s Manual
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
This manual introduces the Dietary Diversity and Determinants Survey, an adaptable, user-friendly instrument for collecting data on dietary diversity and key determinants of dietary diversity. The survey can be used to conduct situational analyses and baseline surveys; monitor changes in diet due to season, intervention, or shocks; and compare diets of different sub-populations.
This series (in a combined booklet) contains core competency lists for technical areas and positions. It intends to provide hiring managers, program managers, and program staff with explanations of the basic skills and knowledge senior technical staff may possess to carry out their positions effectively.
Context Assessment for Linking Agriculture and Nutrition
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
The aim of this guide is to support context assessment for project design, whether creating new or amending existing projects. It intends to strengthen the links between agricultural interventions and nutritional outcomes. The guide explains the basic steps of context assessment and presents a variety of primary data collection tools.
Analysis of Indicators and Measurement Tools Used in Zambia to Measure the Impact of Agricultural Extension Programs on Gender Equity and Nutrition Outcomes
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
The study identified agricultural projects with significant components focused on gender equity and nutrition outcomes, and reviewed how the impact of their interventions on promoting gender equity and nutrition outcomes is measured.
A Training Workshop Guide: Planning for Qualitative Research for Nutrition
Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
The overarching goal of the workshop, and this guide, is to strengthen the capacity of implementing partners funded by the Office of Food for Peace to refine plans and objectives for conducting qualitative research to inform the design and implementation of nutrition activities.
Literature Review on Effective Food Hygiene Interventions for Households in Developing Countries
Publication Date:
Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsFood SystemsNutrition and Health SystemsWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
In response to increased awareness of foodborne disease in developing countries, the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) Project conducted a literature review to investigate how donors, partners, and programs can reduce this burden at the household level.
Training Community Volunteers on Nutrition and Hygiene Module Toolkit
Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementNutrition and Health SystemsSocial and Behavior Change and GenderWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
This toolkit is designed to provide program implementers with training session modules, job aids, and social and behavior change communication materials to help community volunteers and other frontline workers in Kyrgyzstan promote household nutrition and hygiene.
Zambia: Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture in Practice: Review of Approaches and Experience in Three Development Activities
Publication Date:
Food SystemsFood Security
The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) Project, together with select nongovernmental organizations operating in Zambia, conducted a technical review of three agriculture and food security activities that have documented results in nutrition-sensitive agriculture.
TOPS Review of Promising Practices in Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Projects
Publication Date:
Food SystemsFood Security
The Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Program team of technical specialists conducted a review of final evaluation reports from Food for Peace‐funded development food assistance projects (formerly referred to as Multi‐Year Assistance Projects or Development Assistance Projects) in order to identify promising practices in effective food security programming.
Toward a Hygienic Environment for Infants and Young Children: A Review of the Literature
Publication Date:
Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsNutrition and Health SystemsSocial and Behavior Change and GenderWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
This report from the USAID Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Partnerships and Learning for Sustainability (WASHPaLS) project summarizes a review of the scientific and gray literature, as well as key informant interviews with researchers and field implementers.
Perceived Challenges to Smallholder Agriculture and Implications for Household Food Security and Nutrition in Two Districts of Uganda
Publication Date:
Food SystemsFood Security
This report presents findings from a qualitative research study undertaken by the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) to strengthen understanding of the household-level dynamics between smallholder agriculture, food security, and nutrition outcomes in two districts of Uganda.
National Policies and Plans to Address the Dual Burden of Malnutrition
Publication Date:
Food SystemsFood Security
The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) Project examined the state of existing policies on actions that address many types of malnutrition (including overweight and obesity in addition to undernutrition) in 29 countries. The countries selected were those listed as high priority for maternal and child health and nutrition by the U.S.
Mid-Term Evaluation for Health, Agriculture and Nutrition Development for Sustainability (HANDS)
Publication Date:
Food SystemsFood Security
This evaluation is intended to be a formative assessment of the Health, Agriculture and Nutrition Development for Sustainability (HANDS) program progress by November 2012. The evaluation was conducted to assess progress during the first 30 months of program implementation.
Maternal dietary diversity and the implications for children’s diets in the context of food security
Publication Date:
Food SystemsFood Security
This technical brief describes findings from a study by the Infant and Young Child Nutrition Project to evaluate the relationship of maternal dietary diversity to children’s dietary intake in three developing countries in different regions.
Farmer Nutrition School Advocacy Guide wtih Recommendations for Adaptation
Publication Date:
Food SystemsNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
In early 2012, the Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project began to develop a model for improving nutrition and food security that could be quickly scaled up across its Feed the Future zone of influence along the coastal belt of Bangladesh. This guide is meant to accompany and supplement the broader collection of materials produced for the…
Integrating Household Nutrition and Food Security Objectives into Proposed Agriculture Projects: Illustrative Guidance
Publication Date:
Food SystemsFood Security
This guidance helps agriculture project designers build nutrition and food security objectives into their projects rather than leave positive impacts to chance. By following this guidance during the initial planning stages, project designers can enhance nutritional impact and food security of vulnerable groups.