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Assessment Tool
This resource can be used to better collect, understand, and use anthropometric data as part of service provision, surveillance, surveys, monitoring and evaluation, or program design.
Guide to Anthropometry: A Practical Tool for Program Planners, Managers, and Implementers [Full Version] (PDF, 22.3 MB)
Module 1: Anthropometry Basics (PDF, 1.18 MB)
Module 2: Children from Birth to 5 Years of Age (PDF, 3.13 MB)
Module 3: Children and Adolescents 5–19 Years of Age (PDF, 2.63 MB)
Module 4: Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Girls (PDF, 2.67 MB)
Module 6: Measurement Protocols and Equipment Guidance (PDF, 7.95 MB)
Annexes (PDF, 1.16 MB)