Chief of Party, Burkina Faso
Sidi joins us after serving as deputy country director for USAID’s Global Health Supply Chain Project – Procurement and Supply Management in Burkina Faso, where he provided technical assistance to in-country stakeholders and the Ministry of Health (MOH) to build the capacity of the national health supply chain. Before that, Sidi worked as technical adviser and manager for multiple USAID-funded projects focusing on improving resilience through better health, nutrition, hygiene, and sanitation. For the Resilience and Economic Growth in Sahel – Enhanced Resilience project, he managed the implementation of key health and nutrition activities in seven regions (three in Burkina Faso and four in Niger). This included Mother-to-Mother groups, Husband schools, quality improvement teams, adolescent learning and support groups, and the community video approach in collaboration with the SPRING Project. At Save the Children, Sidi worked as project director for the Victory Against Malnutrition Project, managing a USAID/Food for Peace Title II food distribution program, as well as programs to improve maternal and child health, and nutrition practices for pregnant and lactating women and children under 5. Prior to this, he led the implementation of health information systems for the Burkina Faso MOH. Sidi is a medical doctor and public health specialist. He has 23 years of experience in the design, implementation, and management of health, nutrition, hygiene, and sanitation programs at the national and international levels. Other areas of expertise include health information systems, social and behavior change communication, and health product procurement and supply chain management.