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Disability Resource Bank

Juntos is a program to help caregivers of children with congenital Zika syndrome understand their child and to build support networks that will improve their care in the community.
Anemia Toolkit

This report describes the Integrated Anemia Control Strategy (IACS), which was implemented in Nicaragua in 1994. The comprehensive strategy included supplementation for pregnant women and children under 5 years of age, periodic anthelminthic treatment for children, wheat flour fortification with iron and B vitamins, interventions to control vitamin A deficiency (supplementation and fortification of table sugar), behavior change communication, trainings of different actors, strengthening of other public health interventions, and a program monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system.
Anemia Toolkit

This research instrument, which was developed by the Manoff Group for the USAID-funded MotherCare Project, was used in formative research for the Indramayu Project. One component of research tested ways to improve the existing iron supplementation program for pregnant women in this Indonesian region. The results were used to develop messages for counseling women and a social marketing campaign, train health workers and others delivering iron tablets, and identify and develop delivery mechanisms/strategies for the improved iron supplementation program.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This report documents the outcomes and lessons learned from a rapid assessment of Growth through Nutrition’s adolescent girl nutrition SBCC strategy programming in Ethiopia. The report's recommendations focus on the training of teachers and student group leaders/facilitators; actions that teachers, facilitators, and program administrators can take; and steps for Growth through Nutrition regional offices.
Project Leadership

Ann has led the capacity strengthening work at USAID Advancing Nutrition since 2019, working to strengthen approaches to strategic planning, organizational development, learning networks, mentoring and training.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

A digital counseling service called SMS BIZ, also known as U-Report, was introduced in Mozambique in October 2015. The goal of the project was to create a safe place for adolescents to ask questions and seek counseling on topics generally counsidered taboo in their communities. The text message-based program preserved the anonymity of the adolescents and encouraged them to ask trained counselors questions on any subject. Though this program was not nutrition focused, practitioners could adapt for nutrition counseling.
Job Posting

USAID Advancing Nutrition is seeking a consultant to provide input, review, and feedback to support the development of materials for a facility-based mentorship program for Kenya. The mentorship program will include building competencies in lactation management and skilled breastfeeding counseling, as well as mentorship, focusing on three priority contract points for achieving early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding.

In the Kyrgyz Republic, we tested an approach to integrate responsive care and early learning content into existing nutrition counseling services to support improved caregiving practices.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Mothers, fathers, and mothers-in-law in Bangladesh each responded to different types of messaging from community health workers counseling families on maternal, infant, and young child nutrition. Key motivators were improved fetal growth and child intelligence, while improved maternal health was the least motivating outcome, even among mothers. Persuasion on maternal rest required the most intensive effort, which resulted in scientifically inaccurate messaging. Training and monitoring to address flawed counseling narratives are critical.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This report describes how the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) Project provided technical assistance, training, and resources at national, regional, and sub-regional levels, to equip the Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health, regional health bureaus, and other partners to strengthen the integration of nutrition assessment, counseling, and support services as well as nutrition advocacy and multi-sectoral efforts to improve nutrition services. FANTA also developed several recommendations to help Ethiopia maintain and build on its gains in nutrition.