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USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

The overarching goal of the workshop, and this guide, is to strengthen the capacity of implementing partners funded by the Office of Food for Peace to refine plans and objectives for conducting qualitative research to inform the design and implementation of nutrition activities.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Improving the skills and competencies of the global nutrition workforce (e.g., nutrition program managers and technical staff) to design, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate nutrition services is one of the key capacity gaps that the nutrition sector needs to address to improve the coverage and effectiveness of nutrition service provision and ultimately health and nutrition outcomes.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

This training manual prepares adult Guiders to teach Girl Guides and Girl Scouts ages 7 to 18 in the Africa region about anemia prevention. It addresses the knowledge and skills Girl Guides and Scouts need to change their behavior to prevent anemia and to communicate with their peers and women in their community to help them prevent anemia.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

This is a training guide designed for participants of a class on adolescent and women’s nutrition and anemia, developed by the USAID Advancing Nutrition Kyrgyz Republic team.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Quality pre-service training forms the foundation of all nutrition services, equipping health professionals with the competencies required to deliver quality services from day one on the job. However, nutrition content is often outdated and can be difficult to integrate into pre-service training.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Findings identify competencies that pre-service curricula may not currently address and provide a roadmap to develop tailored, country- and cadre-specific updates to policies, protocols, pre-service training curricula, job descriptions, qualifications, and certification tools.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Using best practices from the capacity strengthening field, this brief series guides program managers and technical staff to assess nutrition training programs. Additional briefs explore the challenges of measuring capacity strengthening activities and illustrate measurement tools and approaches at work in Uganda.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Investing in pre-service training is an effective and sustainable way to improve nutrition services, but it requires collaboration among governments, academic institutions, professional associations, funders, and technical experts to ensure curricula prepare frontline health workers to deliver quality nutrition services. The brief is available in English, French, and Portuguese.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Many health workers lack training to support women to establish and sustain breastfeeding. This resource provides guidance for leaders to plan a course and select trainers and participants. The trainer's guide contains slides and other materials to facilitate the course, while the participant manual provides worksheets, checklists, and job aids.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Investing in pre-service training is an especially effective and sustainable approach to improving nutrition services at scale. However, it requires a collaborative effort by all stakeholders—government ministries, academic institutions, professional associations, funders, and technical experts—to ensure curricula prepare frontline health workers to deliver quality nutrition services.