USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This case study presents progress, challenges, and lessons learned to date for vitamin A supplementation, micronutrient powders, and food‐based strategies in Mozambique. Program considerations for planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating micronutrient interventions within the health system are also provided.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This case study provides historical background on a public-private partnership to fortify food in Uganda. The Ugandan Government partnered with a number of oil manufacturers to implement a large-scale, country-wide fortification intervention. In less than 3 years, 85% of the national oil supply in Uganda was fortified with vitamin A.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
Accelerating Progress for Complementary Feeding in Kenya: Key Government Actions and the Way Forward
This case study describes key actions for complementary feeding put in place by the Kenya Ministry of Health as well as approaches for improving and monitoring complementary feeding within existing health platforms. It describes the development of local complementary feeding recipes rolled out in cooking demonstrations, and the integration of key hygiene actions into complementary feeding messages.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This case study reviews the East, Central, and Southern African Health Community (ECSA-HC) work on health and nutrition. This inter-governmental group coordinates regional strategies to address the highest-level policymakers and to hold the countries accountable for the consequences of micronutrient malnutrition. The story of the ECSA-HC exemplifies local and regional ownership, high-level diplomacy, and practical action.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This case study gives several examples of how theoretical nutrition interventions have been translated into practice. The report identifies successes and failures, problems and solutions, in a variety of nutrition interventions tried by the U.S. Agency for International Development in several different countries.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
In 2004 the Government of Nepal launched the Intensification of Maternal and Neonatal Micronutrient Program, more commonly called the Iron Intensification Project, in five districts. This case study describes the development of the project, its design, the process used to implement it at the district level, the strategy used to scale it up, and the data available to describe coverage. The reduction in maternal anemia in the country between 1998 and 2006 is also described.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This qualitative case study describes the Kyrgyz Republic's experience with health professional competency building related to breastfeeding counselling and support.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
If you are a social and behavior change (SBC) professional working within nutrition programs, this resource collection is for you. Access these resources for inspiration and techniques to solve a challenge or “level up” for greater effectiveness in your nutrition program or services. The resources included here range from case studies, guides, and briefs to job aids, data analyses, and research insights.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This report presents the findings from a series of case studies conducted in Nigeria, Senegal, and Uganda. The findings from this report are very timely and have generated a high degree of interest from technical experts on wasting management, given the recent release of WHO's new guidance on the prevention and treatment of wasting in infants and children under five and the emphasis this guidance places on the use of local foods for moderate wasting management.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub
This report describes the effects of the Rang-Din Nutrition Study interventions on child growth, development, micronutrient status, and health care-seeking behavior through 24 months of age.