USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Landscape Assessment: Food Processing in Feed the Future Investments
Publication Date:
Food Systems
This executive summary summarizes findings from an assessment of USAID Feed the Future food processing programs and provides recommendations for how USAID and implementing partners can improve food processing programming for better diets and nutrition. You can learn more about opportunities to improve diet quality within food processing interventions.
Data4Diets aims to help programmers, researchers, policymakers in accessing and applying diet and food security indicators. You can access their online repository to learn more about which indicators are best suited for your objectives, which data sources are most appropriate, and how the indicators can be used to guide actionable policy.
Food Prices for Nutrition project develops tools and conducts research to help programmers and policymakers access and use food price and diet cost data to design more effective food systems policies and programs for nutrition. You can access a range of publications resources on their website to learn about metrics and how they can be used.
Food Systems and Diets: A Handbook of Essential Policies
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Food Systems
This handbook highlights essential entry points within the food systems where policymakers can intervene to shift food systems towards providing more safe, affordable, and accessible, and nutritious diets. You can this as a resource to draw and adapt ideas for developing policies tailored to your specific context.
The Food Systems Dashboard is an online tool that policymakers and programmers can use to access and visualize food systems data. You can use it to compare food systems data across regions and countries and track progress on key indicators.
42 Policies and Actions to Orient Food Systems Towards Healthier Diets For All
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Food Systems
This report draws on recent evidence to outline 42 policy actions that policymakers and programmers can enact to support food systems in delivering nutritious, high-quality diets for all. You can use this resource to get ideas for where to intervene throughout the food system; including action oriented toward production, supply chains, food environments and consumers. The report includes the…
A Snapshot of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines Implementation in Selected Countries
Publication Date:
Food Systems
While most countries had an official body responsible for implementation, budget allocations, strategies, and plans for implementation, monitoring and evaluation activities were less common. A multi-sectoral food systems approach will facilitate policy alignment to promote healthy eating. This article is behind a paywall.
In addition to women’s time, energy, capacity, and skill, breastfeeding requires family, health facility, community, employer, and policy support. Sociocultural factors, health care practices and policies, paid leave policies and legislation, a lack of skilled support, and aggressive marketing of breast milk substitutes all impact likelihood of breastfeeding.
Celebrating 40 years of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes
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Food SystemsBreastfeeding
Articles focus on the history of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes; the need to address unethical marketing and further implement and enforce the Code; and additional steps to take to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding.
First-Food Systems Transformations and the Ultra-Processing of Infant and Young Child Diets: The Determinants, Dynamics, and Consequences of the Global Rise in Commercial Milk Formula Consumption
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Food SystemsBreastfeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
Increasing formula sales are linked to rising incomes, urbanization, social norms, women's work, medicalization, and the globalization of the industry. Companies use diverse and aggressive marketing techniques to grow their markets, including product diversification, digital marketing, and health professional co-optation.
Attitudes and Perceptions about Breastfeeding Among Female and Male Informal Workers in India and South Africa
Publication Date:
Food SystemsBreastfeeding
Most women surveyed understood the benefits of breastfeeding and initiated breastfeeding, but household responsibilities and financial obligations frequently forced an early return to work. This led to changes in infant feeding practices, including adding breast milk substitutes.
Nutritious Food Financing Facility Program Review Report
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Food SystemsFood Security
The program review is a qualitative assessment that examines the relevance, uniqueness, consistency, and feasibility of the Nutritious Food Financing Facility (N3F) theory of change (TOC) and plans to achieve it via the selected mechanism (N3F).
With the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, USAID Advancing Nutrition conducted a series of activities to identify assessments (methods, tools, and metrics) suitable for food environments in LMICs.
The Food Systems Dashboard serves as a tool to access and visualize data drawn from multiple sources. Policymakers and programmers can use the Dashboard to compare food systems across regions and countries, track progress on key indicators, and identify and prioritize ways to sustainably improve diets and nutrition in their food systems.
42 Policies and Actions to Orient Food Systems Towards Healthier Diets For All
Publication Date:
Food Systems
This report describes 42 potential policy actions that support food systems in delivering nutritious, high-quality diets for all. It draws from recent evidence to outline specific actions that policymakers or programmers can enact across different components of the food system, from production, supply chains, food environments, to consumers.
Innovative Financing Through Food Systems to Improve Diets Webinar
Food Systems
Catalyzing private sector investment can support small- and medium enterprises access financing to increase the availability and affordability of safe, nutritious foods and scale their operations.
Future Food Systems: For People, Our Planet, and Prosperity
Publication Date:
Food SystemsCOVID-19Food Security
Food systems require fundamental transformation to promote sustainable healthy diets for all, and must focus on food availability, accessibility, affordability, and desirability. While much focus is on low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), high-income countries also have a vital role, particularly when their decisions affect LMICs.
A Research Vision for Food Systems in the 2020s: Defying the Status Quo
Publication Date:
Food SystemsCOVID-19Food Security
Food systems research and science to ensure that food is accessible, sustainable, safe, healthy, and equitable is critical and must be quickly translated into policy and action. COVID-19 further highlights the importance of governance, efficiency, resilience, functionality of food systems, and the strong interconnections between food and health.
The Trade-Offs of Healthy Food from Sustainable Agriculture in the Global South
Publication Date:
Food SystemsFood Security
The framework addresses policy trade-offs between food security, prosperity, environmentally significant policy and market reforms, and tailored public interventions. Policymakers must make decisions about which targets should be met first and which have to be postponed. This article is behind a paywall.
IFPRI’s new COVID-19 Food Price Monitor tracks warning signs of stress in local markets
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Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsFood SystemsMonitoring, Evaluation, and LearningCOVID-19Food Security
The Food Price Monitor from IFPRI allows users to track changes in food prices since the start of COVID-19 social distancing measures. Daily updates of prices in wholesale and retail markets are provided for a wide range of key food products.