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USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.


USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Multi-Sectoral Resource Review

Nutrition Resources and Tools Across the USAID Program Cycle

Responsive Care and Early Learning Addendum Resource Collection

Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Feeding and Disability Resource Bank

Measuring What it Takes to Provide Care

Ages and Stages Reference Package and Resource Collection

Optimizing Diets by Using Local Foods for Improved Nutrition for Women and Children

Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Governance Resource Bank

Anemia Toolkit

Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) Resource Collection

Emergency Nutrition Resources

USAID Nawiri Framework

Monitoring and Evaluation Online Course Repository

Diet Assessment Decision Tool

IYCF Image Bank

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USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Research Collection: Improving Nutrition for Women, Adolescents, and Children

Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementMonitoring, Evaluation, and Learning DietsFood SystemsInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
A research supplement from USAID Advancing Nutrition
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

USAID Advancing Nutrition Final Report: October 1, 2018–February 2024 (Executive Summary)

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management
USAID Advancing Nutrition was a five-year contract funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in August 2018 and extended through February 25, 2024. USAID created USAID Advancing Nutrition to support the implementation of USAID’s Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy 2014–2025, by—
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

USAID Advancing Nutrition Events

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management
Since 2019, USAID Advancing Nutrition hosted around 50 webinars across the full spectrum of our work.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management
The Nutrition Resource Hub is a curated collection of over 600 publications, tools, and technical resources from USAID and its projects.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

USAID Advancing Nutrition News and Features

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management
The collection includes over 150 articles about USAID Advancing Nutrition work since 2018.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Infant and Young Child Feeding Image Bank (Resource Collection)

Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementSocial and Behavior Change and Gender BreastfeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal Nutrition
The Infant and Young Child Feeding Image Bank provides more than 900 images to illustrate recommended practices. Practitioners have used the images in more than 70 countries to promote behavior change for improved maternal and child nutrition.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Micronutrient Forum Global Conference Presentations

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management AnemiaMicronutrient Interventions
USAID Advancing Nutrition delivered the following posters, oral presentations, and symposiums at the Micronutrient Forum Global Conference from October 16–20 in The Hague, The Netherlands.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Summary Report on Progress to Integrate Nutrition in Tanzania's Ministries, Departments, and Agencies’ Processes and Documents

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management
This report summarizes the experiences one year after the rapid assessment and process that USAID Advancing Nutrition, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), and the Tanzania Food and Nutrition Center (TFNC) used to raise awareness of nutrition and opportunities to access technical support, and to participate in relevant exercises hosted by Ministries, Departments, and Agencies.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Academy Presentations

Publication Date:
Food SystemsKnowledge Management Behavior Change for NutritionFood Systems
We delivered these learning labs and poster presentations at the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Academy in June 2023 online and in person in Lilongwe, Malawi. Presenters discuss caregiver resources, social and behavior change measurement, and food environment methods and metrics.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Wasting: A Growing Threat to Child Survival

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management WastingCOVID-19Micronutrient InterventionsWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Resources featured in this interactive web page include a framework to address persistent wasting, small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplement program implementation, blanket supplementary feeding, treating moderate wasting with local foods, providing training for health workers, and strengthening wasting management and the ready-to-use therapeutic food supply chain, among other topics.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Nutrition Governance and Multi-Sectoral Coordination

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management
Nutrition governance requires political will, coordination across multiple sectors, sustainable and transparent financing, and mechanisms to monitor and influence decision-making and policy implementation. This interactive web page showcases work from seven countries.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Leadership Dialogue on Food Systems for People’s Nutrition and Health

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management Food Systems
This meeting report summaries a dialogue at the first United Nations Food Systems Stocktaking Moment in Rome.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act of 2021 Implementation Plan

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management WastingBreastfeedingCOVID-19Emergency Nutrition
The Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act Implementation Plan presents priority technical areas in nutrition; the approach USAID will take to coordinate and collaborate internally and with priority countries, other federal agencies, and partners; and accountability mechanisms.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

USAID Position Paper on Child Wasting

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management WastingBreastfeedingChild NutritionComplementary FeedingEmergency NutritionFood SafetyFood SystemsGenderInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionResilienceWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Future investments should include strengthening nutrition as part of primary health care, identifying pathways through which food systems most effectively and efficiently prevent child wasting, improving access to ready-to-use therapeutic food for treatment and specialized nutritious food (SNF) for prevention, supporting the development of sustainable financing strategies for health systems and
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Nurturing Young Children through Responsive Feeding

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management Child NutritionComplementary FeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Nutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
Comprehensive counseling, and responsive feeding (RF) are an essential aspect of adequate nutrition and responsive caregiving. This brief describes how responsive feeding promotes positive caregiver-child interactions and early learning.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

The Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Consortium’s 2022 Annual Report

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management Maternal NutritionMicronutrient Interventions
Key activities this year include engaging national actors to adopt and scale multiple micronutrient supplementation; raising awareness of women’s nutrition challenges; developing strategic partnerships and collaborations across maternal nutrition, health, and related fields; and expanding the consortium’s capacity, expertise, and reach.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

What it Takes to Bounce Back from Severe Malnutrition: Albatoul’s Story

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management WastingGrowth Monitoring and Promotion
Aid workers reported increases in the number of women seeking care and treatment for their malnourished children and in ready-to-use therapeutic food refill requests. While they urge mothers to stick to a schedule during treatment and to bring their children back for follow-up to ensure a full recovery, they are fearful that critical supplies could be cut off.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Nutrition and Feeding of Children with Feeding Difficulties and Disabilities: Gaps, Progress, and Opportunities

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management BreastfeedingChild NutritionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
Supporting children with feeding difficulties and disabilities requires strengthening systems to improve the identification, early intervention, and inclusion of children with complex needs in primary health care services and expanding availability of specialized services. Provide support to families to address social determinants and raise awareness of the need and opportunities.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Nutrition Resources and Tools Across the USAID Program Cycle

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management
To support multi-sectoral nutrition, the resource collection provides tools for strategic planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, skill building and curricula, and learning and new evidence.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Tanzania Resource Mobilization Strategy

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management Economic GrowthPrivate-Sector Engagement
For the last two decades, Tanzania has significantly improved nutrition outcomes and made noteworthy efforts in integrating nutrition within key national development agendas. In 2016, the government of the United Republic of Tanzania (URT) launched the National Multi-sectoral Nutrition Action Plan (NMNAP) to scale up multi-sectoral nutrition actions.