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USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.


USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Multi-Sectoral Resource Review

Nutrition Resources and Tools Across the USAID Program Cycle

Responsive Care and Early Learning Addendum Resource Collection

Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Feeding and Disability Resource Bank

Measuring What it Takes to Provide Care

Ages and Stages Reference Package and Resource Collection

Optimizing Diets by Using Local Foods for Improved Nutrition for Women and Children

Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Governance Resource Bank

Anemia Toolkit

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Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Food Safety: A Foundation for Nutrition and Growth

Publication Date:
Food Systems Food Safety
Speakers discuss the multi-sectoral requirements to keep food safe, with a focus on the informal markets where consumers source their diets. They discuss specific causal pathways in health and physiology, consumer behavior, supply chains and markets, and policy and regulation domains through which food safety and nutrition are linked.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Exploring the Use of the Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide

Publication Date:
Food Systems Food SecurityNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
USAID Advancing Nutrition speakers provide an overview of the Community of Practice and its goals, discuss how it is using the Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide to facilitate workshops targeting agriculture and economic growth activities that have a nutrition objective, and explain how others can join. This is a webinar.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Counting the True Cost: How Understanding the Real Cost of Food Can Improve Nutrition for All

Publication Date:
Food Systems Food SecurityMicronutrient Interventions
Food systems approaches such as True Cost and Value Accounting provide holistic assessments of the consequences and benefits of different food and nutrition interventions and evidence to improve nutrition strategies and policies. This webinar was a Nutrition for Growth Summit Side Event.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Global Diet Quality Project

Publication Date:
Food Systems Micronutrient InterventionsNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
The Diet Quality Questionnaire captures dietary adequacy and dietary risk factors for noncommunicable diseases and enables monitoring of trends and comparisons across demographics. The Global Diet Quality Project enables the collection of comparable population-level dietary data within and across countries.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Global Diet Quality Score is Inversely Associated with Nutrient Inadequacy, Low Midupper Arm Circumference, and Anemia in Rural Adults in Ten Sub-Saharan African Countries

Publication Date:
Food Systems
Researchers evaluated the comparative performance of the Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS) against other diet metrics to capture nutrient adequacy and undernutrition. The GDQS performed comparably with the Minimum Dietary Diversity–Women indicator in capturing adequacy outcomes.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Integrating Nutrition and Food Safety in Food Systems Policy and Programming

Publication Date:
Food Systems Food Safety
Malnutrition and foodborne disease are interrelated in terms of physiology, human behavior, and policy and have large public health and economic costs. While these two issues are often addressed separately in policy, programs, and research, a more integrated approach to address them within the food system is needed.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Nurturing Care for Every Newborn: Ensuring Every Newborn Survives and Thrives

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development BreastfeedingCOVID-19Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
The thematic brief introduced outlines the five components of nurturing care and presents practical actions to strengthen nurturing environments for newborns, including those who are born early, small, or ill. It is critical to invest in policies, health systems, and community awareness to provide developmentally supportive care. This is a webinar.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Standards for Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep in Early Childhood Education and Care Settings: A Toolkit

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development Adolescent Nutrition
These global standards support early child education and care providers to provide healthy foods and beverages and ensure young children are physically active, avoid excess sedentary time, and get enough sleep in childcare and education settings.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Seen, Counted, Included: Using Data to Shed Light on the Well-Being of Children with Disabilities

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development Adolescent NutritionCOVID-19Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
When absent from official statistics, children and adults with disabilities remain politically and socially invisible, which increases marginalization and potential rights violations.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

COVID-19 and Early Childhood Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development COVID-19Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
Authors describe the nature and scope of existing early childhood development (ECD) evidence related to nurturing care components for young children, including health, nutrition, child protection, opportunities for learning, and responsive caregiving.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Strengthening Psychosocial Stimulation in the Management of Children With Severe Acute Malnutrition: Experience From a Nutrition Rehabilitation Center

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development Wasting
Most countries are moving toward home-based management of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition (SAM) among children. Strengthening the support of sensory and psychosocial stimulation and structured play in facility and community-based care of SAM children will help them to survive and thrive.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Population-Based Approaches for Monitoring the Nurturing Care Environment for Early Childhood Development: A Scoping Review

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development Growth Monitoring and Promotion
There are several methodological challenges to building a population-based approach to monitoring nurturing care environments.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

A Family-Centered Intervention to Monitor Children's Development in a Pediatric Outpatient Setting: Design and Feasibility Testing

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development Growth Monitoring and Promotion
Integrated developmental monitoring requires continued efforts and engagement on the part of both the health care provider and the families. Findings suggest that developmental monitoring with support for families is acceptable to families and trainees and that the intervention demonstrates operational feasibility.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Tools to Advance Localization: The LEAF and USAID's Locally Led Development Checklist

Publication Date:
Capacity Strengthening
The Local Engagement Assessment Framework (LEAF) is a planning and assessment tool to determine the level of ownership by national and community actors at every level of a project. It helps users determine who should be engaged and how, and provides standardized language about ownership to adapt in different contexts.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

The "Big 5" Topics that LIPs Must Know to Successfully Manage USAID Awards

Publication Date:
Capacity Strengthening
Topics include understanding the USAID Agreement, standard provisions for nongovernmental organizations based outside the United States, cost principles, the 10 percent indirect cost rate, and prime and subaward relationship management. This is a webinar.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Locally Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Learning, and Adapting (MERLA) Solutions

Publication Date:
Capacity Strengthening
Experts discuss their experiences implementing locally led monitoring, evaluation, research, learning, and adapting solutions. This is a webinar.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

USAID Resource Hub

Publication Date:
Capacity Strengthening
The Resource Hub provides insights for new, current, and future local and international partners about how to work with USAID.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

New Tools: Multi-Sectoral Planning and Designing Multi-Stakeholder Platforms

Publication Date:
Capacity Strengthening
The toolkits focus on the design of successful multi-stakeholder platforms to improve intersectoral coordination for nutrition. Stakeholders will learn relevant steps within the country-led process, find guidance on approaches, and identify appropriate and useful resources to support this process.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Global Capacity Needs Assessment Methodology: Integrating Nutrition Objectives Into Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services Programmes and Policies

Publication Date:
Capacity Strengthening Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
The methodology examines capacity gaps and opportunities to strengthen individual, organizational, and enabling-environment capacities to integrate nutrition objectives and outcomes into agricultural programs and policies. It also identifies knowledge gaps in training materials on nutrition-sensitive agriculture. It is available in English and French.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

USAID Advancing Nutrition Nigeria Fact Sheet

Publication Date:
This one-page fact sheet describes USAID Advancing Nutrition's support to the government of Nigeria as it works to strengthen wasting prevention and improve the quality of nutrition services and approaches. The project is also working to generate evidence and test innovative approaches to inform future program design.