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USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.


USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Multi-Sectoral Resource Review

Nutrition Resources and Tools Across the USAID Program Cycle

Responsive Care and Early Learning Addendum Resource Collection

Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Feeding and Disability Resource Bank

Measuring What it Takes to Provide Care

Ages and Stages Reference Package and Resource Collection

Optimizing Diets by Using Local Foods for Improved Nutrition for Women and Children

Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Governance Resource Bank

Anemia Toolkit

Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) Resource Collection

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USAID Nawiri Framework

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Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation and Nutrition Education for Adolescent Girls

Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionAnemia
This article summarizes the activities carried out by Nutrition International in six countries with a high burden of anemia in adolescent girls. The program collaborated with governements in various countries and facilitated weekly implementation of iron folic acid supplementation.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

An Integrated Multisector Approach to Improve the Nutritonal Status among School-Age Children and Adolescents in Malawi

Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
The article summarizes two different programs implemented by the Malawian governement to support the weekly supplementation of iron and folic acid for adolescent girls in and out of school in six districts. It also describes the government's efforts to implement nutrition-sensitive farming in ten districts in Malawi.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

"Vida Saludable": Healthy Living is on the School Curriculum in Mexico

Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionCOVID-19
Vida Saludable, an initiative led by the Government of Mexico, aimed to reduce the incidence of obesity in adolescents and school-going children in the country.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Promoting Youth Leadership on Nutrtition through Junior Parliamentarians and Junior Council Engagement in ZImbabwe

Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionCOVID-19
This article describes a strategy that was used to build the capacity of youth in relation to adolescent nutrition in Zimbabwe. The junior parliament, which is a recognized structure in Zimbabwe, was tasked with educating their peers in 35 schools on a variety of nutrition-related topics by incorporating nutrition into various school activities such as sports, drama, and theater.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Improving Adolescents’ Food Choices: Learnings from the Bhalo Khabo Bhalo Thakbo (“Eat Well, Live Well”) Campaign in Bangladesh

Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
The Bhalo Khabo Bhalo Thakbo campaign was a nationwide initiative launced by the government in collaboration with GAIN to promote adolescent engagement to improve the consumption of healthy meals by utilizing social media.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Adolescent Nutrition: Current Progress and Looking Ahead, Meeting Report 9-10 Feb 2021

Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This report summarises the proceedings from a two day virtual meeting of stakeholders from various countries and organizations. They discussed current global adolescent nutritional status, youth engagement in improving adolescent nutrition in specific countries, as well as government and organizational perspectives.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Demand Creation at GAIN

Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This is a technical report on the strategies and progress made in creating demand for safe nutrtious food for adolescents and children under five in Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Kenya. In Bangladesh, through the nourishing dream project, adolescents in secondary school were encouraged to desire safe and nutrtious food.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Current Evidence on Anemia and Micronutrient Supplementation Strategies in School Age Children and Adolescents

Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionAnemia
This review describes current guidelines and recommendations, as stated by WHO, on iron folic acid (IFA) supplementation and multiple micronutrient supplementation (MMS) among adolescents and young children in low- and middle-income countries. It also outlines evidence that suggest that MMS may potentially be more beneficial than IFA supplementation alone.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

"I'm Courageous": A Social Entrepreneurship Programme Promoting a Healthy Diet in Young Indonesian People

Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
The Saya Pemberani program, which means "I'm courageous" in Indonesian, was a social enterpreneurship program that aimed to engage young people living in urban centers to generate ideas to improve their diets using social media platforms.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Guideline: Implementing Effective Actions for Improving Adolescent Nutrition

Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This guideline aims to summarize the global, evidence-based recommendations by the WHO to address all forms of malnutrtion in adolescents. It aims to facilitate the implementation of various existing guidelines and to identify gaps in various nutrtion-specific and nutrition-sensitive actions for improving the health and well-being of adolescents.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Investing in the Now and the Future

Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionReproductive Health
This brief makes the case for prioritizing adolescent health and nutrition, sets out recommendations for implementing a gender-transformative, adolescent-responsive approach, and provides model commitments governments can make to develop adolescent-responsive health and nutrition systems.
Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Adolescent Nutrition-Developing a Research Agenda for the Second Window of Opportunity in Indonesia

Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This article describes the steps taken to identify research gaps and prioritize research actions to tackle outstanding gaps in adolescent nutrition in Indonesia. It describes the steps taken which involves a desk review to identify the gaps and stakeholder engagement, and an online survey to prioritize research themes and rank a list of research topics.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Evaluating Social and Behavior Change Components of Nutrition Activities: A Design Guide for USAID Staff

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningSocial and Behavior Change and Gender Behavior Change for Nutrition
Social and behavior change (SBC) is an effective tool for improving nutrition programs and outcomes across a range of sectors from agriculture to markets to health systems.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Measuring Social and Behavior Change in Nutrition Programs: A Guide for Evaluators

Publication Date:
Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningSocial and Behavior Change and Gender Behavior Change for Nutrition
Program evaluations play a critical role in improving the quality and determining the effectiveness of the social and behavior change (SBC) strategies and approaches needed to reach nutrition program outcomes. This guide supports implementing partners who are involved with conducting an evaluation of an activity that uses SBC to improve multi-sectoral nutrition outcomes.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

USAID Advancing Nutrition Ghana Fact Sheet

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management Early Childhood Development
This two-page fact sheet describes USAID Advancing Nutrition's support advancing the Government of Ghana’s efforts to improve district planning for the equitable delivery of services that promote household resilience and early childhood growth and development. The project works in 17 districts in four regions: Northern, Upper East, Upper West, and North East.

Improving Feeding of Young Children During and After Illness: A Behavioral Design Approach Webinar

Social and Behavior Change and GenderBehavioral Science Approaches to Nutrition
In this webinar, speakers from both Breakthrough ACTION and USAID Advancing Nutrition shared insights from a behavioral design process completed in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Conception d'activités agricoles efficaces sensibles à la nutrition: Guide du facilitateur

Publication Date:
Capacity StrengtheningNutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide Community of Practice Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
Ce document est un guide du facilitateur pour l'atelier sur le guide de conception d'activités agricoles sensibles à la nutrition. Associé à deux présentations de diapositives PowerPoint, il fournit des instructions détaillées permettant à une équipe de facilitation de mener l'atelier de trois jours.

Advancements in Understanding Breastmilk: Learning from the BEGIN Project GNCP Webinar

Nutrition and Health SystemsInfant and Young Child Feeding Recommendations
The Breastmilk Ecology: Genesis of Infant Nutrition (BEGIN) project takes an ecological approach to analyzing the unique biology of human milk by exploring it as a complex biological system.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Global Challenges Mean That Advancing Nutrition is More Important than Ever

Publication Date:
Knowledge Management Adolescent NutritionCOVID-19Emergency NutritionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionMicronutrient Interventions
The global nutrition community saw the COVID-19 pandemic as a rallying call and galvanized support to prevent backsliding and improve nutrition around the world.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review

Past, Present, and Future: Reflections on Social Norms Measurement from the Passages Project

Publication Date:
Social and Behavior Change and Gender
Experts discuss the current state of social norms measurement, contributions, promising approaches, and future priorities from a range of perspectives. This is a webinar.