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USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.


USAID Nutrition Resource Hub

Multi-Sectoral Resource Review

Nutrition Resources and Tools Across the USAID Program Cycle

Responsive Care and Early Learning Addendum Resource Collection

Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank

Feeding and Disability Resource Bank

Measuring What it Takes to Provide Care

Ages and Stages Reference Package and Resource Collection

Optimizing Diets by Using Local Foods for Improved Nutrition for Women and Children

Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Governance Resource Bank

Anemia Toolkit

Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) Resource Collection

Emergency Nutrition Resources

USAID Nawiri Framework

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Diet Assessment Decision Tool

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Disability Resource Bank

Counseling and Support

Publication Date:
Mental Health
This set of resources provides information on the support available to people with cleft lip and/or palate and their caregivers.
Disability Resource Bank

Feeding Matters Infant and Child Feeding Questionnaire

Publication Date:
Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
This questionnaire is an age-specific tool designed to identify potential feeding concerns and facilitate discussion with all members of the child’s health care team.
Disability Resource Bank

SPOON's Feeding and Nutrition Package for Vulnerable Children

Publication Date:
Growth Monitoring and PromotionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Micronutrient Interventions
This brief describes the SPOON's Feeding and Nutrition Package, which is for organizations that serve children with disabilities or children outside family care.
Disability Resource Bank

Resource Library for Identifying Feeding Difficulties in Infants, Screening Children for Feeding Difficulties, and Positioning Children for Mealtimes

Publication Date:
Growth Monitoring and PromotionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Micronutrient Interventions
This library provides resources for identifying feeding difficulties in infants and children and overcoming positioning challenges during feeding.
Disability Resource Bank

Baby Friendly Spaces: Holistic Approach for Pregnant, Lactating Women and their Very Young Children in Emergency

Publication Date:
WastingEmergency NutritionMental Health
Baby Friendly Spaces is a holistic psychosocial program that aims to provide comprehensive support to children and their caregivers in emergency situations.
Disability Resource Bank

CBM Prevention Toolkit on Birth Impairments

Publication Date:
Maternal NutritionMental HealthMicronutrient Interventions
This toolkit aims to train health professionals and birth attendants in early identification of birth defects, appropriate examination of newborns, and early referral for treatment.
Disability Resource Bank

CBM Prevention Toolkit on Cerebral Palsy

Publication Date:
BreastfeedingComplementary FeedingEarly Childhood Development
This toolkit aims to mitigate the disabling effects of cerebral palsy through improved newborn care and greater community awareness.
Disability Resource Bank

12 Mealtime Tips for Autistic Children

Publication Date:
Behavior Change for NutritionEarly Childhood DevelopmentInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
This article provides 12 tips for caregivers to ease mealtime stressors with their children with autism spectrum disorder.
Disability Resource Bank

Feeding Problems in Infancy and Early Childhood: Identification and Management

Publication Date:
Behavior Change for NutritionEarly Childhood DevelopmentInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
This article presents a structured method to assess and manage feeding problems in children under three years of age.
Disability Resource Bank

Every Day is Mind Day: Mental Health Toolkit for Caregivers

Publication Date:
COVID-19Mental Health
This set of downloadable toolkits covers the importance of mental health, strategies for protecting it, and how to spot early warning signs of mental health problems.
Disability Resource Bank

Choking Prevention for Families With Children With Special Needs

Publication Date:
Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
This video educates caregivers of children with special needs on choking prevention.
Disability Resource Bank

Working with Children with Eating & Drinking Difficulties: A Training Programme for Healthcare Specialists in Low-Resource Settings

Publication Date:
Complementary Feeding
This training is aimed at therapists already working with children with neurodevelopmental disabilities who want treat eating and drinking difficulties.
Disability Resource Bank

Caregiver Skills Training Programme for Families of Children with Developmental Disorders or Delays

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development
This training program teaches caregivers how to use play and home activities with their children with disabilities.
Disability Resource Bank

Washington Group Short Set on Functioning (WG-SS)

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development
The WG-SS is a set of six questions designed to collect data for national-level censuses and surveys on disability.
Disability Resource Bank

The Child Nutrition Program: Community Resource Manual

Publication Date:
BreastfeedingComplementary FeedingGrowth Monitoring and Promotion
This manual provides key information to communities on various nutritional and health considerations and needs of children, including a chapter on "Special Health Care Needs" for children with disabilities.
Disability Resource Bank

Child Nutrition Program: Community Flipbook

Publication Date:
Behavior Change for NutritionBreastfeedingComplementary Feeding
This flipbook is intended to support education for families on proper nutrition and health practices by providing a storyline based in six categories.
Disability Resource Bank

Caring for Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Guide for Parents

Publication Date:
Early Childhood DevelopmentInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
This toolkit provides guidance for generic workers on how to support children with varying levels of cerebral palsy and/or intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum conditions to promote their health, development, and well-being.
Disability Resource Bank

Module on Child Functioning: Questionnaires

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development
The purpose of this module is to identify the subpopulation of children who are at greater risk than others of the same age or who are experiencing limited participation in an unaccommodating environment.
Disability Resource Bank

Supporting Children's Speech and Cognitive Development from Birth to Seven Years Old

Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development
This tool provides parents and caregivers with ways to understand, follow, and stimulate their children’s language, speech, and cognitive development at home.
Disability Resource Bank

Holt International's Feeding and Positioning Manual: Guidelines for Working with Babies and Children

Publication Date:
BreastfeedingComplementary Feeding
This manual is intended to support the caregivers of infants and children with information on safe feeding practices.