USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Formative Research to Inform Adolescent Programming in Kenya: Engagement for Health, Nutrition, and Sustainable Development
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Adolescent NutritionMental HealthReproductive Health
This formative qualitative research study, conducted in Kenya, focused on the perspectives, experiences, and suggestions of adolescent girls and their communities related to adolescent health and nutrition.
Formative Research to Inform Adolescent Programming in Guatemala: Engagement for Health, Nutrition, and Sustainable Development
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Adolescent NutritionMental HealthReproductive Health
This formative qualitative research study, conducted in Guatemala, focused on the perspectives, experiences, and suggestions of adolescent girls and their communities related to adolescent health and nutrition.
Documentation Research on the USAID Growth through Nutrition Activity Adolescent Nutrition SBCC Program: Outcomes and Lessons Learned
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Adolescent NutritionMaternal Nutrition
This report documents the outcomes and lessons learned from a rapid assessment of Adolescent Nutrition SBCC programming in Ethiopia to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.
Social and Behavior Change Communication Strategy: Maternal and Child Nutrition During the First 1000 Days and Adolescent Girls’ Nutrition
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Adolescent NutritionAnemiaMaternal NutritionMental Health
This report documents the outcomes and lessons learned from a rapid assessment of Growth through Nutrition’s adolescent girl nutrition SBCC strategy programming in Ethiopia.
Adolescent Nutrition in Timor L'Este: A Formative Research Study
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Adolescent NutritionAnemiaMaternal Nutrition
The purpose of this formative research was to inform the development of interventions, activities, and materials that support adolescent nutrition in Timor Leste from an SBC perspective. The study's key findings and recommendations relate to such issues as snacks at school, drinks, nutrition-related illness, cultural and gender norms, adolescent influencers, and communication channels.
Formative Research to Inform Adolescent Programming in Cambodia: Engagement for Health, Nutrition, and Sustainable Development
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Adolescent NutritionReproductive Health
This formative qualitative research study, conducted in three Cambodian provinces, focused on the perspectives, experiences, and suggestions of adolescent girls and their communities related to adolescent health and nutrition.
Adolescent Girls Nutrition Related Practices in the Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, and Tigray Regions of Ethiopia: A Report on Formative Research Findings and Recommendations for SBCC Programming
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Adolescent Nutrition
This report summarizes the results of research designed to implement mGlobal of the recommendations from USAID/ENGINE formative research on adolescent girls’ nutrition-related behaviors. The purpose of this new research is to contribute to the development of strategic communication interventions, alongside with other interventions, to help improve adolescent girls’ nutrition outcomes.
This document provides information about the USAID/Growth through Nutrition project's Adolescent Girl Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Nutrition Strategy.
Handbook for Conducting an Adolescent Health Services Barrier Assessment (AHSBA) with a Focus on Disadvantaged Adolescents
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Adolescent Nutrition
This handbook for conducting an adolescent health services barriers assessment discusses how governments can assess health service equity and barriers at national and subnational levels.
Adolescent Nutrition: The Missing Link in the Lifecycle Approach
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Adolescent Nutrition
This paper explores the global evidence-base and best practices for enhancing adolescent nutrition to reduce stunting and improve the nutritional status of the overall population. This document examines the interrelationship between biological and social factors that shape adolescent nutrition, and includes recommendations for reducing chronic undernutrition.
Nutrition International Call to Action #ShellGrowIntoIt
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Adolescent NutritionMaternal NutritionReproductive Health
This five-page document outlines Nutrition International's Call to Action to ensure that girls have access to adequate nutrition so they can reach their full potential. The document briefly summarizes the issues surrounding malnutrition and anemia in girls, what Nutrition International is doing, and what the reader can do to support girls' nutrition.
Adolescent Pregnancy and Its Impact on the Prevalence of Stunting: Programmatic Considerations for Food for Peace Programs that Aim to Reduce Stunting
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Adolescent Nutrition
This technical brief examines the fact that adolescent pregnancy increases the risk of childhood stunting. issue of adolescent pregnancy and its implications for the prevalence of stunting. The brief describes promising evidence of what works to address these issues, including changing community attitudes toward early marriage and providing adolescents with life skills and livelihoods.
Core Competencies in Adolescent Health and Development in Primary Care Providers
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Adolescent Nutrition
This document guides countries in developing competency-based educational programs in adolescent health and development for pre-service and in-service education. The ultimate goal of the competency framework is to increase the quality of health-care services provided to adolescents by improving the education of primary health care providers.
A Framework to Monitor and Evaluate: The WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity, and Health
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Adolescent Nutrition
This document sets out an approach to measure the implementation of the WHO DPAS at the country level and proposes a measurement framework and indicators. The indicators are simple and reliable tools that can be used by Member States as appropriate, taking into account their country context.
This document contains the WHO Global DPAS, which focuses on promoting and protecting health through healthy eating and physical activity. The document features recommended actions that member states, WHO, international partners, civil society and NGOs, and the private sector can take to implement the global strategy.
This document describes what governments and their development partners can do to promote school gardens to advance a nation’s nutrition and health. The document outlines the history of school gardens, examples of gardens, the need for and approaches to school gardening, garden learning, garden curricula, frameworks for innovation, challenges, and keys to success.
This manual assists school teachers, parents, and communities to set up and run a school garden, drawn from experiences and best practices all over the world of running school gardens. Classroom lessons are linked with practical learning in the garden about nature and the environment, food production and marketing, food processing and preparation, and making healthy food choices.
Setting Up and Running a School Garden: Teaching Toolkit
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Adolescent NutritionReproductive Health
A companion to the manual "Setting Up and Running a School Garden," this teaching toolkit contains lessons for students ages 9 to 14 to supplement and support school gardening activities. The lessons guide the processes of planning, organizing, promoting, evaluating, and celebrating the achievements of school gardens.
School Policy Framework: Implementation of the WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity, and Health
Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
The purpose of this School Policy Framework is to guide policymakers at the national and sub-national levels to develop and implement policies to promote healthy eating and physical activity in the school setting through changes in environment, behavior ,and education.
UNICEF Guidance Note: Adolescent Participation in UNICEF Monitoring and Evaluation
Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This is the pilot version of a guidance note on adolescent participation in program monitoring and evaluation (APM&E). The guidance note aims to help UNICEF staff and partners to understand how adolescents can be involved in monitoring and evaluation activities, issues to consider when designing and implementing APM&E activities, and tools and resources to support APM&E.