USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Attitudes and Perceptions about Breastfeeding Among Female and Male Informal Workers in India and South Africa
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Food SystemsBreastfeeding
Most women surveyed understood the benefits of breastfeeding and initiated breastfeeding, but household responsibilities and financial obligations frequently forced an early return to work. This led to changes in infant feeding practices, including adding breast milk substitutes.
Revisiting Humanitarian Action Early: Planting the Seeds for a New Generation
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Early Childhood DevelopmentBreastfeedingCOVID-19Emergency Nutrition
Analysis of Humanitarian and Refugee Response Plans indicates Nurturing Care Framework (NCF) recommendations are often not included. Advocates recommend increasing investments for pregnant women and their children in humanitarian contexts, building the frontline workforce and health services to support safe and healthy births, and applying the NCF in all phases of emergencies.
India: Family Participatory Care: A Gateway to Nurturing Small and Sick Newborns
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Early Childhood DevelopmentBreastfeedingWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Based on research showing that providing parents continuous access to their babies after delivery improved breastfeeding before discharge, the Indian National Health Mission developed an educational series to teach handwashing skills and infection prevention, kangaroo and developmentally supportive care, preparation for discharge, and care at home.
Early Childhood DevelopmentBreastfeedingCOVID-19Economic Growth
The Human Capital Index (HCI) suggests that, on average, a child born in sub-Saharan Africa is likely to reach only 40 percent of their full earnings potential. Because undernutrition and child mortality rates contribute significantly to the HCI, breastfeeding is a key factor in human capital development. This article is behind a paywall.
Breastfeeding, Physical Growth, and Cognitive Development
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Early Childhood DevelopmentBreastfeeding
Complying with the World Health Organization recommendation to exclusively breastfeed for 6 months, then practice complementary feeding until 2 years of age, is associated with improved child development and height-for-age z-score and a 67 percent decrease in the odds of stunting. This article is behind a paywall.
Achieving Health Equity: Providing Skilled Breastfeeding Support Universally
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Capacity StrengtheningBreastfeedingCOVID-19
Global leaders discuss why investment in skilled breastfeeding support is essential to achieving equitable health outcomes. This is a webinar available in Arabic, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.
Training Module on Designing and Delivering Gender Responsive Extension and Advisory Services (EAS)
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This module helps trainers design and deliver gender-responsive extension and advisory services for agriculture programs. Some tools can be adapted for breastfeeding interventions.
Applying Systematic Review Search Methods to the Grey Literature: A Review of Education and Training Courses on Breastfeeding Support for Health Professionals
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Lactation training for health professionals is a promising approach to increase and protect breastfeeding but it requires research on its efficacy.
Nutritious Food Financing Facility Program Review Report
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Food SystemsFood Security
The program review is a qualitative assessment that examines the relevance, uniqueness, consistency, and feasibility of the Nutritious Food Financing Facility (N3F) theory of change (TOC) and plans to achieve it via the selected mechanism (N3F).
USAID Breastfeeding: Providing a Healthy Start for a Healthy Future
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Early Childhood DevelopmentKnowledge ManagementNutrition and Health SystemsGender Equality and Women’s EmpowermentBreastfeedingEarly Childhood DevelopmentInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Maternal NutritionNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
For more than 40 years, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has promoted breastfeeding to save lives, prevent malnutrition, and enhance the long-term health and prosperity of women and children. By promoting breastfeeding in programs and policies, USAID is helping families chart productive and prosperous for their children and supporting communities to thrive.
Resource Transfers for Nutrition: Review of Recent Experience and Evidence
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Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsOptimizing Food Assistance ModalitiesEmergency NutritionFood AssistanceFood Security
Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance implementing partners (IP) use U.S. Agency for International Development guidance, existing tools, and technical and programmatic considerations to make activity design decisions and select between cash, voucher, and in-kind modalities to support activities.
Not Just Mom's Job: USAID Invests in Breastfeeding Around the World Virtual Event
Early Childhood DevelopmentNutrition and Health SystemsNutrition in Humanitarian Contexts
To commemorate World Breastfeeding Week 2021, USAID country programs shared their experiences with protecting and promoting breastfeeding around the world.
Methodological Lessons Learned from Conducting a Population-Based Phone Survey of Nutrition Practices in the Kyrgyz Republic
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Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
This poster was presented at the virtual American Society for Nutrition Nutrition 2021 conference. Conducting nutrition surveys by phone presents opportunities and challenges. Learning from this experience can improve the use of this approach in the future.
This one-page fact sheet describes USAID Advancing Nutrition's support to the government of Burkina Faso as it works to reduce micronutrient deficiencies and the prevalence of undernutrition in children under 5 years of age.
Plan de Capacitación para la Enseñanza de la Alimentación y Nutrición dirigido a docentes de primero y segundo ciclo
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Adolescent NutritionFood Safety
This training plan is intended to prepare teachers to educate school-aged children on nutrition, diet and food security. The guide includes educational strategies and activities for interactive learning and the improvement of students' nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors.
This report describes the findings from a stakeholder survey on existing research, policies and interventions targeting adolescent malnutrition. Results indicate that most research has focuse don burden, rather than indicators or long-term consequences.
Adolescent Nutrition Training App (UNICEF Bangladesh)
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Adolescent Nutrition
This "Adolescent Nutrition Training" app (available on Google Play), developed by Riseup Labs, with assistance from UNICEF Bangladesh and the Ministry of Health of Bangladesh, provides a free online nutrition course in Bengali.
Adolescent and Women’s Nutrition and Anemia Facilitator Guide
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Adolescent NutritionAnemiaMaternal Nutrition
This facilitatator's guide (available in English and Russian) is intended to prepare facilitators with technical knowledge and skills to train doctors and nurses about adolescent and women’s nutrition and anemia throughout the life cycle.
This resource contains 1) an academic article reporting the effectiveness of the Fooya! app for increasing healthy food choices in a study of 10-11 year old children in Chennai, India; 2) a brief communication describing the results of the study; and 3) a link to download the Fooya! game app. Fooya!
Adolescent Job Aid: A Handy Desk Reference Tool for Primary Level Health Workers
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Adolescent NutritionAnemiaReproductive Health
The Adolescent Job Aid is intended for primary healthcare workers who see and treat adolescents. It contains guidance on commonly occurring conditions or concerns that may or may not adolescent-specific (e.g. delayed menarche, STIs).