USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Report on Mapping of Sectoral and Multi-Sectoral Coordination Mechanisms for Nutrition in Kitui County
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This report examines the existing coordination platforms across the nutrition specific and sensitive sectors to inform alignment of multi-sectoral nutrition in Kitui County.
Review Report of Kenya Nutrition Capacity Development Framework 2014-2019
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Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
The overall aim of the review of the Kenya Nutrition Capacity Development Framework (KNCDF) 2014-2019 is to document emerging issues and recommendations in strengthening nutrition capacity and priorities for the next KNCDF.
USAID Advancing Nutrition Uganda Fact Sheet: A Global Project
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Micronutrient Interventions
This is the final fact sheet for USAID Advancing Nutrition Uganda, which gives an overview of the large-scale food fortification work conducted in the country from 2021-2023.
Market Surveillance Study for Fortified Foods in Uganda
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Micronutrient Interventions
This report was produced by the USAID Advancing Nutrition Uganda team. The aim of the study was to determine the availability of the existing fortified food brands at the retail level and the presence and adequacy of the required micronutrients in the four fortified food vehicles (edible oils and fats, wheat flour, maize meal, and food-grade salt) in Uganda.
Nutrition Governance: Lessons Learned and Recommendations from USAID Advancing Nutrition
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Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningBehavior Change for Nutrition
USAID Advancing Nutrition’s commitment to strengthening nutrition governance took root in our very approach to setting goals and designing and planning activities that aligned with country-led and -owned priorities. As such, our goals and approach to nutrition governance varied significantly based on country priorities.
Infant and Young Child Feeding: Lessons Learned and Recommendations from USAID Advancing Nutrition
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Monitoring, Evaluation, and LearningBreastfeedingComplementary FeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
Over the course of the project’s five years, USAID Advancing Nutrition worked to support the U.S. Agency for International Development, implementing partners, and national stakeholders to improve IYCF. We implemented more than 30 activities across the project’s core portfolio and six of its country programs (Ghana, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Mozambique, Niger, and Nigeria).
Developing Food-Based Recommendations for Complementary Feeding Using Locally Available Foods at the Household Level in Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe
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Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsComplementary FeedingInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)ResilienceResilience and Food Security Activity (RFSA)
The USAID-funded Amalima Loko program is a five-year (2020–2025) Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) operating in five districts of Zimbabwe’s Matabeleland North province. It aims to improve the nutritional status and practices among women of reproductive age and children under five years of age.
Strengthening the Sustainability of Care Group Volunteers: A Guide for Resilience and Food Security Activities
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Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsFood SecurityResilience
USAID Advancing Nutrition developed this stepwise guide for Resilience and Food Security Activity implementing partners (IPs) as a reference during project design and implementation (e.g., proposal, Refine and Implement, post-midterm evaluation).
Outil de décision Intégrer l'alimentation complémentaire dans les situations d'urgence : Actions concrètes pour chaque étape du cycle du programme humanitaire
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Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsComplementary FeedingEmergency Nutrition
Cet outil de décision est destiné aux personnes impliquées dans la conception, la planification, la mise en oeuvre et le suivi d'une réponse humanitaire en matière de nutrition avant et pendant une situation d'urgence.
Understanding How Cash and Voucher Assistance Programs for Nutrition Are Implemented: A Review of Programmatic Case Examples from Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Somalia, and Colombia
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Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsEmergency Nutrition
The purpose of this review was to identify and document case examples of programs in different countries and contexts that use cash, vouchers, or in-kind food assistance with nutrition activities to understand why and how these programs are implemented, and identify innovations that may inform and support the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance subsector programming of USAID's Bureau for Humanita
Annex: Nutrition Social and Behavior Change Strategic Focus Document of the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance
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Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsSocial and Behavior Change and GenderBehavior Change for Nutrition
This annex to the Nutrition Social and Behavior Change Strategic Focus Document developed by USAID Advancing Nutrition, the Agency’s flagship multi-sectoral nutrition project, with three USAID bureaus, offers special considerations for the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA).
Nutrition Social and Behavior Change Strategic Focus Document
Publication Date:
Social and Behavior Change and GenderBehavior Change for Nutrition
In its first year, USAID Advancing Nutrition, the Agency’s flagship multi-sectoral nutrition project, co-developed a project-wide internal SBC Strategic Focus Document with nutrition SBC leads at the USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (RFS), the Bureau for Global Health, and the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) to guide activities during the life of the project and help carry
The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement’s 2013 Progress Report pointed to the importance of in-country resource availability and mobilization, and highlighted the challenges countries face in tracking resources destined for nutrition programming (SUN 2013a).
Technical Note: Formative Research to Inform Social and Behavior Change Programming Design
Publication Date:
Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsSocial and Behavior Change and GenderBehavior Change for Nutrition
This document shares considerations for planning formative research within USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)-funded Resilience and Food Security Activities (RFSAs) within the Refinement period.
Pour traiter les questions d’égalité de genre et d'autonomisation des femmes dans le domaine de la nutrition et l’agriculture, il est nécessaire de mettre l’accent sur la promotion du rôle des femmes en tant que productrices et consommatrices d'aliments variés et riches en nutriments, d’une part, et d’autre part en tant que personnes en charge de la nutrition et de la santé du ménage.
This Community Video for Nutrition Guide is a joint product of the USAID-funded Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project and Digital Green (DG), an international nongovernmental organization (NGO) registered in the United States and India.
The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project developed this farmer field school (FFS) curriculum to improve farming practices and increase aflatoxin-safe groundnut crops for better household nutrition.
Practitioners working in nutrition must start thinking about the effect food, health, and education systems have on nutrition practices and outcomes. “Systems thinking” means paying attention to the unpredictable interactions among actors, sectors, disciplines, and determinants of nutrition.