USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Evidence-Based Nutrition Interventions Improved Adolescents’ Knowledge and Behaviors in Indonesia
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Adolescent NutritionAnemia
The objective of this study was to assess the effect of a gender-responsive package of three interventions on nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and diet and physical activity behaviors among adolescents in Indonesia.
This special edition of the Lafaek Magazine targets adolescents—to increase their knowledge about nutrition and promote key nutrition practices under their control. Key practices include eating breakfast, choosing healthy snacks, and choosing water as a healthy drink.
Case Study on Adolescent Inclusion in the Care Group Approach—The Nigeria Experience
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Adolescent NutritionMaternal Nutrition
This article documents the experiences of adolescent girls in selected towns in Northern Nigeria participating in care groups of 10–15 trained volunteer community-based health educators. Their experiences were captured through focus group discussions and key informant interviews.
A digital counseling service called SMS BIZ, also known as U-Report, was introduced in Mozambique in October 2015. The goal of the project was to create a safe place for adolescents to ask questions and seek counseling on topics generally counsidered taboo in their communities.
Nutrition Care, Support, and Treatment for Adolescents and Adults: Training for Facility-Based Service Providers—Participant’s Manual: Module 3. Nutrition Counselling and Education
Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This training manual was developed by the Government of Malawi with support from USAID. It aims to guide facility-based service providers on how to effectively counsel adolescents on nutrition-related topics.
Partnering with UNFPA to Reduce Anaemia among Women and Adolescent Girls in Nigeria
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Adolescent NutritionAnemiaMaternal Nutrition
This webpage details the success of the Nutrition Leverage and Influence for Transformation program in integrating nutrition counseling into sexual and reproductive health programs to increase the knowledge and awareness of iron-folic acid supplementation and healthy diet among adolescent girls, women of reproductive age, and healthcare workers in Nigeria.
Use of Media to Engage School-Age Children and Adolescents to Improve their Nutrition and Health
Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This article summarizes the efforts of programs in Timor Leste, India, the Pacific region, and Zimbabwe that sought to engage adolescents to help them adopt healthy nutritional behaviors through traditional and non-traditional media.
This technical brief intends to bridge the gaps created by using siloed sectoral approaches to improve menstrual health and hygiene (MHH). It defines MHH, outlines key challenges to and opportunities for improving it, and makes recommendations for USAID staff and partners designing and implementing activities that contribute to a holistic MHH approach.
Eat Right School is an innovation by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India to transform the country's food safety and nutrtion landscape. It works to ensure nutritious, safe, and healthy foods are available to schoolchildren and the community at large.
Pacific Kids Food Revolution Engages Children across the Region to Promote Healthy Eating
Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionFood Safety
The Pacific Kids Food Revolution program is a UNICEF-created children's cooking show that uses television to engage kids in creating safe and nutritious meals using locally-sourced fresh, nutritious, and indigenous foods.
Plan Stratégique de Santé des Adolescents et des Jeunes (2015–2020)
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Adolescent NutritionReproductive Health
This document outlines a strategic plan by the Ministry of Health to address various health and reproductive issues affecting adolescents and children in Burkina Faso. The plan includes specific objectives for improving adolescents and children, as well as indicators for tracking these objectives.
Women's Nutrition: A Summary of Evidence, Policy, and Practice including Adolescent and Maternal Life Stages
Publication Date:
WastingAdolescent NutritionMaternal Nutrition
The report reviews the current guidelines addressing global targets for reducing maternal mortality and anemia in girls and women of reproductive age and addressing the nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating women and adolescent girls. It idenitifies gaps in achieving these targets and provides recommendations for ways to improve related indicators on women and adolescent girls.
Study Brief: People-Driven Social and Behavior Change Design
Publication Date:
Adolescent NutritionMicronutrient Interventions
The biref summarizes key findings from the Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation project undertaken in two districts in Indonesia. The project aimed to reduce stunting by improving the nutritional status of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, women of reproductive age, and children under the age of two in the selected districts.
Marketing of Unhealthy Foods and Non-Alcoholic Beverages to Children
Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This policy brief seeks to address the issue of obesity in children and adolescents through the enforcement of various laws and policies to minimize the marketing of unhealthy food and non-alcoholic beverages to children and adolescents. It cites examples of the impact similar laws or policies have had to serve as a guide and motivation to other countries across the world.
UNICEF Technical Note: Effective Regulatory Approaches to Protect, Support, and Promote Better Diets and Create Healthy Food Environments for Children
Publication Date:
Adolescent Nutrition
This UNICEF technical note details effective approaches that various countries and development partners can use to protect, support, and promote better diets and to create healthy food environments for children.
The relationship between food processing and diets is complex; expanding the production of processed foods may play a role in both supporting and hindering food systems in delivering safe, nutritious diets.
Qualitative Study on Skills and Capacity Barriers in Turkana County, Kenya: Study Report
Publication Date:
Nutrition and Health SystemsCOVID-19Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Integrated community case management (iCCM) brings identification, treatment, and referral of common childhood illnesses such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, and malnutrition, as well as newborn care to the community. In Kenya, community health volunteers (CHVs) implement iCCM under the guidance of community health extension workers.
Implementation and Scale-Up of Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of What Works, What Doesn't Work and Why
Publication Date:
Food SystemsNutrition Sensitive Agriculture
Priorities to enhance the success of nutrition-sensitive agriculture programs in reducing undernutrition include ensuring appropriateness and acceptability based on context knowledge; strengthening local structures and community empowerment; increasing resilience; and ensuring project flexibility, supportive policy, and governance.