USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
This brief provides information on common impairments, health conditions, and language that should be used when discussing children/people with disabilities.
Including Children with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action: Nutrition
Publication Date:
Emergency Nutrition
This resource provides practical tips and offers entry points for assuring that nutrition in emergencies takes children with disabilities into account.
Promoting the Rights of Children with Disabilities
Publication Date:
Early Childhood Development
This digest seeks to demonstrate that the inclusive policies and practices required to promote the rights of children with disabilities are feasible and practical.
Reducing Stigma and Discrimination against Children with Disabilities
Publication Date:
Behavior Change for Nutrition
This brief summarizes information gathered for "Communication for Social and Behavioural Change Interventions to Strengthen Disability-Inclusive Programming: A Synthesis of the Evidence."
A Review of Child Focused Multi Sectoral Programming in Africa and Latin America
Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementChild Nutrition
The report discusses successes and failures in implementing multi-sectoral programs, presents lessons learned from collaborating across sectors, identifies knowledge gaps, and articulates a research agenda for multi-sectoral child health approaches.
Experts argue that food labeling, taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages, and stronger regulations on marketing products high in fat, sugar, or salt to children are critical to address the rising levels of hunger and malnutrition. Adjusting policies on subsidies could improve food supply quality.
Competencies: The Building Blocks of Capacity Strengthening Webinar Series
Capacity StrengtheningIdentification and Use of Nutrition CompetenciesKnowledge ManagementMonitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
These three webinars aim to review the importance of competencies and how to translate them from a concept to a tangible, relevant tool for designing high-quality capacity strengthening interventions.
How Can Nutrition Research Better Reflect the Relationship Between Wasting and Stunting in Children? Learnings from the Wasting and Stunting Project
Publication Date:
Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsAdolescent NutritionEmergency NutritionFood SecurityGenderGrowth Monitoring and PromotionInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Authors discussed how to design and finance research with a wasting and stunting lens to better understand, prevent, and treat child undernutrition. Lessons learned focused on the interactions and relationships between children's weight loss and linear growth faltering, factors driving different types of undernutrition, and the importance of identifying and targeting those most at risk.
A Mixed Methods Study to Assess the Impact of COVID-19 on Maternal, Newborn, Child Health and Nutrition in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings
Publication Date:
Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsWastingAdolescent NutritionCOVID-19Emergency NutritionMaternal NutritionNutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
The pandemic has reversed decades of progress in maternal, newborn, child health and nutrition (MNCHN), especially in fragile and conflict-affected settings. Reduced or suspended funding and insufficient adaptation strategies have likely increased morbidity and mortality.
This tool makes it easier for practitioners and decision makers to understand dietary patterns and nutrient intake. Such information is critical to design, monitor, and evaluate efforts to improve diets. The decision tool provides existing data sources and data collection tools related to five different target groups.
The relationship between food processing and diets is complex; expanding the production of processed foods may play a role in both supporting and hindering food systems in delivering safe, nutritious diets.
Developing Resources to Support Policymakers to Take a Food Systems Approach to Policymaking
Publication Date:
Food SystemsFood Systems
There are increasing calls to take a food systems approach to food and nutrition policy; however, it is often unclear how policymakers can adopt this approach and adapt it to their particular context. R4D and the Centre for Food Policy at City at University of London developed an evidence review and four technical briefs to respond to this challenge.
Updating National CMAM Guidelines Lessons from Previous Experiences
Publication Date:
Knowledge ManagementWasting
Using country experiences developing and updating national guidelines for community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) and integrated management of acute malnutrition, this report provides recommendations to national governments, the World Health Organization and other relevant United Nations agencies, and civil society organizations for updating guidelines on preventing and treating