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Anemia Toolkit

Latest Issue: The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022

Publication Date:
This report presents updates of the food security and nutrition situation around the world, including estimates global trends in anemia in women of reproductive age.
Anemia Toolkit

Market Based Home Fortification—The Bangladesh Micronutrient Powder Programme

Publication Date:
This report evaluates the impact, reach, and cost effectiveness of a multiple micronutrient powders program to address anaemia in children under two in Bangladesh.
Anemia Toolkit

Journey Towards Better Nutrition in Kenya with High Iron Beans

Publication Date:
This is a description of a programme to develop commercial markets through private and public partnerships for biofortified beans to address hidden hunger among consumers in Kenya.
Anemia Toolkit

Complementary Feeding Indicators in Relation to Micronutrient Status of Ghanaian Children Aged 6–23 Months: Results from a National Survey

Publication Date:
This study uses data from national cross-sectional survey conducted in Ghana in 2017 to examine how multiple World Health Organization-recommended complementary feeding indicators relate to anemia and the micronutrient status of children aged 6–23 months.
Anemia Toolkit

Perspective: Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFAS): A Critical Review and Rationale for Inclusion in the Essential Medicines List to Accelerate Anemia and Neural Tube Defects Reduction

Publication Date:
This study reviews the results of a three-arm, parallel-group, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controled weekly iron and folic acid supplementation efficacy trial among Malaysian women aged 18–45 years, who were randomly assigned to three treatment groups—60 mg Fe as ferrous fumarate and either 0 mg, 0.4 mg, or 2.8 mg of folic acid, to be consumed once weekly for 16 weeks, followed by a four-
Anemia Toolkit

Associations of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Toward Anemia with Anemia Prevalence and Height-for-Age Z-Score Among Indonesian Adolescent Girls

Publication Date:
This study seeks to understand the role of knowledge, attitudes, and practices as a risk factor of anaemia and linear growth problem among adolescent girls in Indonesia.
Anemia Toolkit

Reducing the Burden of Anemia and Neural Tube Defects in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Analysis to Identify Countries with an Immediate Potential to Benefit from Large-Scale Mandatory Fortification of Wheat Flour and Rice

Publication Date:
The paper identifies 18 low- and middle-income countries with the highest and most immediate potential for large-scale wheat flour and/or rice fortification in terms of health and human capital impact and economic benefit.
Anemia Toolkit

Anemia Prevalence in Women of Reproductive Age in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Between 2000 and 2018

Publication Date:
This report maps geospatial estimates of anemia prevalence between 2000–2018 in women of reproductive age (15–49 years) across 82 low- and middle-income countries and aggregates results to policy-relevant administrative and national levels
Anemia Toolkit

Serum or Plasma Ferritin Concentration as an Index of Iron Deficiency and Overload

Publication Date:
This Cochrane review assessed the diagnostic accuracy of ferritin concentrations (serum or plasma) for detecting iron deficiency and risk of iron overload in primary and secondary iron‐loading syndromes.
Anemia Toolkit

Senegal National Nutrition Survey—2018

Publication Date:
This report documents the results of the 2018 evaluation of food fortification on the nutritional status of children aged 6–59 months and women of childbearing age and compares it to similar results in the 2010 nutrition survey.
Anemia Toolkit

Jordan National Micronutrient and Nutrition Survey—2019

Publication Date:
This report on the national nutrition and micronutrient survey in Jordan, done in 2019, documents the status of anemia and micronutrient deficiencies of iron, vitamin A, zinc, folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin D in children 6–59 months of age; school children 6–12 years; non-pregnant women 15–49 years of age; and pregnant women.
Anemia Toolkit

Transfusion Thresholds for Guiding Red Blood Cell Transfusion

Publication Date:
The aim of this review update is to compare 30‐day mortality and other clinical outcomes for participants randomized to restrictive versus liberal red blood cell transfusion thresholds for all clinical conditions.
Anemia Toolkit

Effect of Mass Deworming with Antihelminthics for Soil‐Transmitted Helminths During Pregnancy

Publication Date:
This Cochrane systematic review evaluates the effects of mass deworming with anthelminthics for soil‐transmitted helminths on maternal and pregnancy outcomes during the second or third trimester of pregnancy.
Anemia Toolkit

The Global Diet Quality Score Is Inversely Associated with Nutrient Inadequacy, Low Midupper Arm Circumference, and Anemia in Rural Adults in Ten Sub-Saharan African Countries

Publication Date:
The study evaluated comparative performance of a novel food-based Global Diet Quality Score against other diet metrics in capturing nutrient adequacy and undernutrition in rural sub-Saharan African adults.
Anemia Toolkit

Nutrition‐Specific Interventions for Preventing and Controlling Anaemia Throughout the Life Cycle: An Overview of Systematic Reviews

Publication Date:
This review of reviews summarizes the evidence from systematic reviews regarding the benefits or harms of nutrition‐specific interventions for preventing and controlling anaemia in anemic or non‐anemic, apparently healthy populations throughout the life cycle.
Anemia Toolkit

Hypoxia‐Inducible Factor Stabilisers for the Anaemia of Chronic Kidney Disease

Publication Date:
We aimed to assess the benefits and potential harms of hypoxia‐inducible factor stabilizers for the management of anemia in people with chronic kidney disease.
Anemia Toolkit

Preconception Risk Assessment for Thalassaemia, Sickle Cell Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and Tay‐Sachs Disease

Publication Date:
This study assess the effectiveness of systematic preconception genetic risk assessment to improve reproductive outcomes in women and their partners who are both identified as carriers of thalassemia, sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis and Tay‐Sachs disease in healthcare settings, when compared to usual care.
Anemia Toolkit

Drops of Capillary Blood Are Not Appropriate for Hemoglobin Measurement with Point-of-Care Devices: A Comparative Study Using Drop Capillary, Pooled Capillary, and Venous Blood Samples

Publication Date:
This study aimed to estimate measurement errors in hemoglobin quantification in HemoCue 201+ using venous blood and capillary blood (both single-drop and pool) and compare the results against those of a reference method, which is venous blood analyzed in hematology analyzers.
Anemia Toolkit

Fortified Balanced Energy-Protein Supplementation, Maternal Anemia, and Gestational Weight Gain: A Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial among Pregnant Women in Rural Burkina Faso

Publication Date:
The study assessed the efficacy of a micronutrient-fortified balanced energy-protein supplement on the secondary outcomes of anemia, and measures of gestational weight gain as compared with an iron–folic acid tablet.

USAID Advancing Nutrition at ANH Academy Week 2023

Consumer Demand for Healthy Diets
USAID Advancing Nutrition will join the 8th Annual Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week from June 19-30, 2023.