Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Nutritional Interventions for Preventing Stunting in Children (Birth to 59 Months) Living in Urban Slums in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC)
Nutrition and Health Systems
Researchers systematically reviewed 15 studies conducted in slums or poor urban and periurban areas to determine nutritional interventions that can prevent stunting of infants and young children who are high-risk populations.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Marketing and Consumption of Commercial Foods Fed to Young Children in Low and Middle-income Countries
Nutrition and Health Systems
Editorial commentary and supplementary articles on the consumption and marketing of foods fed to young children, including breast milk substitutes, complementary foods, snack foods, and beverages, comprise this journal supplement.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Excess Risk of Preterm Birth with Periconceptional Iron Supplementation in a Malaria Endemic Area: Analysis of Secondary Data on Birth Outcomes in a Double Blind Randomized Controlled Safety Trial in Burkina Faso
Nutrition and Health Systems
To examine the effects of long-term weekly iron supplementation on malaria and genital tract infections in pregnant and non-pregnant women, researchers used secondary data on birth outcomes from a double-blind randomized control trial in Burkina Faso.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Nutrition 2019 Sessions on Demand
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
Professionals who missed Nutrition 2019 in Baltimore, MD, USA, or who would like to find the materials from a session they attended, can find them on the American Society for Nutrition website, where select session recordings are available for free.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
What’s the Cost of Evaluations and Other Surveys?
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
Data for Impact helps countries improve their program design, policies, and overall health outcomes through operationalizing the power of data.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Private Sector in Agricultural Innovation and Development Community of Practice
Knowledge Management
This community of practice, launched in June 2019, showcases examples of and approaches to working with the private sector in international agricultural innovation.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Global Health Nutrition Legacy: Save the Children 100 Years
Knowledge Management
To capture the legacy of its work in global nutrition, Save the Children developed a pithy and colorful report that reviews the organization's efforts to improve the health and nutrition of women, children, and their communities.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Global Data Visualization Tools to Empower Decision-Making in Nutrition
Knowledge Management
As part of the Data for Decisions to Expand Nutrition initiative, Results for Development Institute conducted a landscape analysis of global data visualization tools and a literature review of data visualizations.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
ENN's Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Programme Case Studies
Knowledge Management
The Emergency Nutrition Network conducted case studies of three “high achieving” SUN countries (Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Niger) with a strong track record in championing and improving undernutrition at a sub-national level.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Economic Evaluation of Multisectoral Actions for Health and Nutrition
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
Economic evaluations and metrics related to the costs and benefits of agriculture, food, and livelihood strategies can be highly complex. To bolster understanding of these evaluations, the Agriculture, Nutrition & Health Academy published this technical brief, which discusses economic evaluation typologies, existing economic evaluation guidelines, and the challenges and complexity of cost-…
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
DataDENT Indicator Mapping Technical Brief
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
A landscape assessment of nutrition data visualization tools by DataDENT (Data for Decisions to Expand Nutrition Transformation) found that these tools often report on various indicators without uniform definitions.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Capturing Cost Data: A First-mile Problem
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
In this blog post, economist Alaka Holla walks through the preliminary considerations and challenges of collecting cost data.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Linking Climate Change, Gender and Nutrition: Approaches, Highlights and the Way Forward
Food Systems
In this webinar, speakers from the Gender, Climate Change and Nutrition Integration Initiative and the USAID Bureau for Food Security discussed how to integrate resilience, gender, and nutrition into program interventions to maximize development impact.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Supporting Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture through Neglected and Underutilized Species—Operational Framework
Food Systems
In this report, Investing in Rural People and Biodiversity International provides an operational framework to help Investing in Rural People project development teams integrate neglected and underutilized species into their activities.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Trade, Nutrition, and Sustainable Food Systems
Food Systems
This paper identifies three key starting points to make progress toward this goal: 1) the public health sector should acknowledge that because trade has the potential to enhance as well as hinder health outcomes, it deserves further attention; 2) public health actors need to be better prepared with the right language to push for better policy; and 3) public health actors need to frame nutrition…
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
The Relative Caloric Prices of Healthy and Unhealthy Foods Differ Systematically across Income Levels and Continents
Food Systems
This paper aims to quantify the link between price and dietary indicators and nutrition outcomes. Pulling from existing databases, it determines the relative caloric prices for foods across different categories, such as animal source foods and starchy staples, in 176 countries.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
The Effect of Food Price Changes on Consumer Purchases: A Randomised Experiment
Food Systems
This study used a virtual supermarket to emulate different food price and subsidy scenarios and determine the effect of price changes on the consumer's total food basket.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Field Exchange Special Issue on the Continuum of Care for Acute Malnutrition
Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsNutrition and Health Systems
This special edition takes stock of current acute malnutrition programming efforts, including successes and ongoing challenges, through a curated summary of 8 field articles, 19 research studies, and 1 evaluation.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Spatial Typology for Targeted Food and Nutrition Security Intervention
Nutrition in Humanitarian Contexts
This study describes a typology to help programmers identify food security priority areas and target interventions using limited data.
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Resource Review
Leveraging Human Nutrition through Livestock Interventions: Perceptions, Knowledge, Barriers and Opportunities in the Sahel
Nutrition in Humanitarian Contexts
This paper asserts that limited animal source food interventions are incorporated into development programming, using USAID Feed the Future initiatives as an example.