USAID Advancing Nutrition develops, curates, packages, and shares multi-sectoral nutrition knowledge to help you stay on top of developments and evidence in global nutrition programming.
Family Inclusion in Nutrition (Resource Collection)
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Social and Behavior Change and GenderBehavior Change for Nutrition
Nutrition programmers recognize that fathers, grandmothers, and other family members can have tremendous influence on decision-making and roles related to household purchasing, food allocation, and feeding practices.
Management of Moderate Wasting Using Local Foods: Costing Study for Tom Brown and Porridge Mum in North East Nigeria
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Emergency NutritionFood AssistanceInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Wasting
Nigeria’s use of alternative approaches using locally available foods to manage moderate wasting offered an opportunity to conduct a costing study to inform future programming and possible scale-up of these approaches, where relevant. Two approaches to moderate wasting management—Tom Brown and Porridge Mum—are the focus of this costing study
Household Food-Based Approach for Local Complementary Foods Workbook
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The Household Pathway, involves reviewing existing data, collecting primary data on current dietary practices for children under age two, and developing and testing FBRs using local foods to promote in a given program area.
The Optimizing Local Diets Tool helps to facilitate dialogue with a multi-disciplinary team and identify locally available, nutrient-dense foods to use in programming.
Optimizing Diets by Using Local Foods for Improved Nutrition for Women and Children: A Guide for Resilience Food Security Activity Partners
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Nutrition in Humanitarian Contexts
This guide aims to support RFSA IPs’ transition from providing resource transfers to using locally available, accessible, and affordable alternatives to sustain nutrition outcomes for women and children under age two. It provides resources, workbooks, templates, and tools with instructions on how to optimize the use of local foods to improve women and children’s nutrition and dietary diversity in…
Руководство по анализу учебных планов по питанию в додипломной подготовке
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Capacity StrengtheningAnemiaInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)Nutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS)
Качественная предварительная подготовка составляет основу всех услуг в области питания, вооружая медицинских работников компетенциями, необходимыми для предоставления качественных услуг с первого дня работы. Однако информация о питании часто устарела, и ее может быть трудно интегрировать в предварительную подготовку.
District-Level Food Security and Nutrition Expenditure Analysis in Northern Ghana: Summary Report
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Food Security
This expenditure analysis on food security and nutrition (FSN) aims to broaden the understanding of districts to better leverage existing funding and mobilize additional funding for this program area.
District-Level Nutrition and Resilience Expenditure Analysis in Northern Ghana: Key Findings and Recommendations
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Food Systems
Ghana has identified nutrition as a cornerstone of its human capital development efforts. To sustain and scale up the country’s efforts to improve the nutritional status of women and children, sustainable funding for effective nutrition and resilience activities at high coverage is needed.
Orientation Package for State Committees for Food and Nutrition (SCFNs)
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The Orientation Package for State Committees for Food and Nutrition (SCFNs), or SCFN Orientation Package, is a comprehensive training package meant to provide SCFNs with an overview of their mandate and roles, as well as key food and nutrition concepts. The package is meant to be used by both SCFN members and trainers working with SCFNs.
Integration of Food and Nutrition Security into District Medium-Term Development Plans
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Food SystemsFood Systems
Ghana has made some progress towards reducing malnutrition in recent years, but it remains a key development concern and requires a multi-sectoral approach to planning, financing, and coordinating actions to tackle it.
District Nutrition Coordination Committee (DNCC) Monitoring and Supportive Supervision Checklist
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Food Systems
District Nutrition Coordination Committees (DNCCs) have the mandate to coordinate multisectoral nutrition efforts at district level. The Monitoring and Supportive Supervision Checklist was developed to support this task.
Nutrition Landscape Mapping: Report on Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Governance in Ghana
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Food Systems
USAID Advancing Nutrition conducted this landscape mapping to understand the processes for multisectoral nutrition governance and to examine the capacity gaps that limit multi-sectoral nutrition programming in metropolitan areas, municipalities, and district assemblies (MMDA).
Renforcer la gestion axée sur les résultats dans le domaine de la nutrition au Burkina Faso
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Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
La malnutrition est un important problème de santé publique au Burkina Faso. S’attaquer à ses causes profondes nécessite l’engagement d’acteurs autres que seulement ceux qui travaillent dans le secteur de la santé.
Suppléments nutritionnels à base de lipides en petites quantités : Ce qu'il faut communiquer aux participants du programme
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Nutrition in Humanitarian ContextsInfant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
Cette fiche technique fournit des informations qui aideront les partenaires d'exécution à élaborer des supports de communication pour accompagner la distribution de suppléments nutritionnels à base de lipides en petites quantités (SQ-LNS) pour les enfants âgés de 6 à 24 mois et les femmes enceintes et allaitantes.
Landscape Analysis of Anemia and Anemia Programming in Northern Ghana
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The purpose of this landscape analysis was to better understand the status of anemia, likely causes of anemia, and current anemia programming in the four regions of northern Ghana (Northern, Upper East, Upper West, and North East regions). These regions are often referred to as the Northern Belt.
Nutrition Training and Supply Needs of 55 Districts in Northern Ghana: A Rapid Assessment
Publication Date:
Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
USAID Advancing Nutrition conducted a rapid assessment in Ghana between March and April 2023 to determine gaps in training and supplies needed for the provision of maternal and child health and nutrition (MCHN) services in the 55 districts in the Northern, North East, Upper East, Upper West, and Savannah regions.
Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Academy Presentations
Publication Date:
Food SystemsKnowledge ManagementBehavior Change for NutritionFood Systems
We delivered these learning labs and poster presentations at the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Academy in June 2023 online and in person in Lilongwe, Malawi. Presenters discuss caregiver resources, social and behavior change measurement, and food environment methods and metrics.