Published By:
USAID Advancing Nutrition
Publication Date:
Job Aid
The Commitment Card includes guidance for using a commitment card in care group meetings and home visits, an adaptable template for creating a commitment card, and an illustrative commitment card and lead mother monitoring form developed around the Amalima Loko program. The aim of the prototype is to support family engagement and support for recommended behaviors. The process involves inviting use by lead mothers and the illustrative card was designed to be used by caregivers.
Zimbabwe HCD: Commitment Card Examples - English (PDF, 3.24 MB)
Zimbabwe HCD: Commitment Card Examples - Tonga (PDF, 3.24 MB)
Zimbabwe HCD: Commitment Card Examples - isiNdebele (PDF, 3.24 MB)
Zimbabwe HCD: Commitment Card Guidelines - English (DOCX, 1.44 MB)
Zimbabwe HCD: Commitment Card Guidelines - Tonga (DOCX, 126.97 KB)
Zimbabwe HCD: Commitment Card Guidelines - isiNdebele (DOCX, 127.91 KB)