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We found 17 results

Improving Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) for Sustainable Reductions in Persistent Acute Malnutrition in Samburu and Turkana
This brief highlights insights from a study to uncover the complex individual, interpersonal, community, and structural influences that shape adolescent pregnancy and childbearing as a main driver of persistent global acute malnutrition.
Unpacking the Conflict, Climate, Environment, and Nutrition Nexus to Catalyze Change for the Sustainable Reduction in Persistent Global Acute Malnutrition in Samburu and Turkana Counties
This brief highlights insights and lessons from USAID Nawiri’s review of the relationship between conflict and persistent global acute malnutrition.
Water Security for Nutrition
This brief summarizes the constraints and opportunities of water governance and resource management to understand the root causes of water insecurity and how they relate to adverse nutrition outcomes in Samburu and Turkana.
Governance and System Strengthening for Nutrition
This learning brief summarizes key findings and insights from an analysis of the role of governance systems and formal institutions in shaping patterns and trends in acute malnutrition.
Labor Market
Through a labor market assessment, USAID Nawiri explored constraints and opportunities for livelihoods, entry points for interventions, and the potential effect on nutrition outcomes.
Participatory Institutional Capacity Assessment (PICA) for the implementation of Multisectoral Nutrition Approaches in Isiolo and Marsabit Counties
USAID Nawiri is working with and through local systems and institutions, enhancing collective capacity to implement sustainable multi-sectoral approaches to reduce acute malnutrition and manage, adapt, and scale up promising approaches in context-informed ways.
Government Sector Nutrition Policies and Strategies
USAID Nawiri conducted a desk review to inform the design of the participatory institutional capacity assessment and program Phase 2. The review explored government sector nutrition policies and strategies from the perspective of sustainably reducing acute malnutrition.
Market Systems Context Including the Role and Potential of the Private Sector; Implications for Addressing Acute Malnutrition in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs)
This market assessment included a desk review and qualitative research with private sector and other actors. The aim was to improve USAID Nawiri’s understanding of nutritious food value chain dynamics and their functionality for household access.