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We found 13 results

Improving Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) for Sustainable Reductions in Persistent Acute Malnutrition in Samburu and Turkana
This brief highlights insights from a study to uncover the complex individual, interpersonal, community, and structural influences that shape adolescent pregnancy and childbearing as a main driver of persistent global acute malnutrition.
Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition
This brief presents learning on maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) in Kenya's arid and semi-arid lands.
Water Security for Nutrition
This brief summarizes the constraints and opportunities of water governance and resource management to understand the root causes of water insecurity and how they relate to adverse nutrition outcomes in Samburu and Turkana.
Measuring Nutrition Dynamics Over Time to Illuminate Critical Trends and Relationships
This learning brief summarizes key results from the baseline survey component of a longitudinal study examining factors contributing to nutrition outcomes and the influence of these factors over time and across seasons.
Strengthening Market Systems to Shield Community Livelihoods from Adverse Effects of COVID-19
This brief summarizes USAID Nawiri’s activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that were strategically integrated and layered to support safe, uninterrupted access to essential health and nutrition services, as well as markets for food, essential goods, and income.
Resilient Community Health Systems
Prior to USAID Nawiri, there was limited evidence from Samburu and Turkana on institutional, structural, and local bottlenecks to establishing a more resilient community health system.
Learning from Health Systems Strengthening for Improved Nutrition Outcomes in Turkana and Samburu Counties
Systems strengthening is a key part of USAID Nawiri’s approach to reducing persistent acute malnutrition. The program works within and alongside key government and USAID-supported platforms to facilitate government ownership.
Participatory Epidemiology Findings
This study explored how communities perceive the causes and changes in malnutrition prevalence by season for children and mothers.