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We found 13 results

Health System Drivers of Acute Malnutrition
This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of nutrition and health systems and degree to which they have mitigated persistent acute malnutrition to date, and to highlight ways to strengthen their effect on nutrition in vulnerable communities.
Adapted Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) Surge Pilot
USAID Nawiri conducted this pilot to look at the expansion of integrated management of acute malnutrition (IMAM)/health surge to be applied in a more holistic way.
CRS Nawiri Adapted Nutrition Graduation Model (AN-GM)
This document highlights findings from an integrated model piloted in Isiolo and later scaled up in both counties.
NAWIRI Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Implementation Guide
This implementation guide was originally developed to test USAID Nawiri’s approach to adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) in Samburu and Turkana.
MIYCN Implementation Guide
This implementation guide was originally developed to test USAID Nawiri’s approach to maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) in Samburu and Turkana.