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We found 11 results

Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition
This brief presents learning on maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) in Kenya's arid and semi-arid lands.
Measuring Nutrition Dynamics Over Time to Illuminate Critical Trends and Relationships
This learning brief summarizes key results from the baseline survey component of a longitudinal study examining factors contributing to nutrition outcomes and the influence of these factors over time and across seasons.
Labor Market
Through a labor market assessment, USAID Nawiri explored constraints and opportunities for livelihoods, entry points for interventions, and the potential effect on nutrition outcomes.
Building Resilient Markets in Food Systems
USAID Nawiri explored local food markets to inform approaches to strengthen local and regional food systems to improve households’ ability to access safe, affordable, and nutritious foods year-round.
Methods and Approaches for Extending Dry Season Lactation in Livestock in Samburu and Turkana Counties: Milk Availability Study
Milk has been integral to pastoralist nutrition for centuries, and its importance to child health is well established. USAID Nawiri conducted this study to identify practical approaches to extend dry season lactation in milking animals and increase the availability of milk.
How to Increase Demand, Availability, Accessibility & Consumption of Highly Nutritious Foods
The cost of diet studies looked at what nutritious foods are locally available in the market to inform strategies for improving food production, availability, & access.
Social and Behavior Change
This assessment informed the design of social and behavior change (SBC) activities across the USAID Nawiri program in Isiolo and Marsabit.
Adapted Milk Matters Study
This learning brief presents key findings from USAID Nawiri’s participatory analysis to identify appropriate context-specific, community-defined interventions to increase livestock milk production, directly or indirectly, particularly during dry seasons.