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USAID Advancing Nutrition
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Over the course of USAID Advancing Nutrition’s implementation in Assam, India between 2021 and 2023, the project reflected on the challenges to and opportunities for engagement with private sector and other supporting actors to drive increased agricultural productivity, particularly among female producers, for improved diets. In Assam, India, increased agricultural productivity is crucial for improved nutrition outcomes. USAID Advancing Nutrition’s 2022 social and behavior change (SBC) research found that women’s self-help group (WSHG) members overwhelmingly agreed that improving local productivity of nutritious crops was the primary way communities could improve their diets. However, producers face critical constraints to improved productivity, including limited access to required inputs like water, quality seeds, and bio-inputs, compounded by challenges in information dissemination and access to output markets.

Two women smiling in front of fruits and vegetables at a local market.