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USAID Advancing Nutrition
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USAID Advancing Nutrition delivered the following posters, oral presentations, and symposiums at the Micronutrient Forum Global Conference from October 16–20 in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Two Adjustment Methods to Reduce Machine Bias Poster (PDF, 205.06 KB)
Understanding Factors Influencing Consumption Nigeria Poster (PDF, 614.99 KB)
Standardized Method for Collecting Valid and Consistent Data Poster (PDF, 560.69 KB)
Strengthening Strategic Engagements Poster (PDF, 2.06 MB)
Resilience and Ecological Presentation (PDF, 804.49 KB)
Resilience and Ecological Approach to Anemia Presentation (PDF, 710.97 KB)
Large Scale Food Fortification Presentation (PDF, 3.04 MB)
Making it Meaningful Poster (PDF, 6.57 MB)
Large Scale Food Fortification in Honduras Presentation (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Closing Micronutrient Gaps Poster (PDF, 219.85 KB)
Assessing Food Consumption Micronutrient Intakes Poster (PDF, 451.66 KB)