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The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project worked in collaboration with local district assemblies and institutions like the Ghana Health Service, the Ministry of Food and Agricultural, and the Environmental Health Unit, among others, in three broad areas.
- Nutrition, with a focus on improving infant and young child feeding – SPRING worked to improve the capacity of health facility-based staff and community-based health volunteers to promote and improve infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices including early introduction and exclusive breastfeeding; timely and appropriate complementary feeding; and effective decision-making through growth chart monitoring and targeted counselling.
- Water, sanitation, and hygiene – SPRING encouraged proper hygiene through the promotion of four key water, sanitation, and hygiene behaviours: (1) safe disposal of human and animal feces, (2) clean and safe play spaces for children, (3) safe water consumption through appropriate water treatment including boiling, and (4) handwashing with soap at critical times.
- Agriculture – SPRING’s agriculture focus was limited to reducing aflatoxin exposure through infected groundnuts. Program activities included capacity building for agriculture extension agents to engage farmers through Farmer Field Schools, aflatoxin awareness campaigns, and promoting good agronomic practices to ensure the production of aflatoxin-free groundnuts to increase household income and reduce consumption.