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Existing Data Source

Publicly available global database for individual food consumption from national or sub-national surveys using 24-hour dietary recall data or data from diet records; download data for analysis.

Time: Data are available for immediate use on the website. Downloading, cleaning, and analyzing data could take a few weeks, depending on the data quality and complexity of the analyses.

Human Resources: Requires some familiarity with nutrition to use the website. Those conducting data analysis need expertise in nutrition, data cleaning, and analysis.

Relative Cost: Low

Strengths: Easy access to user-friendly platform. Data are disaggregated by sex and age. Updates and addition of new data are ongoing.

Limitations: Limited but increasing survey data available. Weighting factors not applied so indicator data may be biased. 


We found relevant indicators for 8 diet question(s) based on the filters below (or your answers to preceding questions). Use the filters to see other indicators by target group or diet question.

Target group: Children 6–23 months of age

Is my target group consuming foods or food groups that provide adequate nutrients?

  • Nutrient adequacy: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age with adequate nutrient intake from food and/or supplements.
  • Nutrient intake: Mean/median nutrient intake among children 6–23 months of age.
  • Minimum dietary diversity (MDD) for children: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who consumed foods and beverages from at least five out of eight defined food groups during the previous day.

What foods or food groups is my target group consuming?

  • Food consumption—flesh foods: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who consumed eggs and/or flesh foods during the previous day. 
  • Sweet beverage consumption: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who consumed a sweet beverage during the previous day.
  • Unhealthy food consumption—WHO and United Nations Children’s Fund infant and young child feeding: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who consumed selected sentinel unhealthy foods during the previous day.
  • Zero vegetable or fruit consumption: Percentage of children 6–23 months of age who did not consume any vegetables or fruits during the previous day.
  • The percentage of the population consuming any of the food groups measured by the instrument can also be determined.

Target group: Women: 15–49 years of age (non-pregnant, non-lactating)

Is my target group consuming foods or food groups that provide adequate nutrients?

  • Nutrient adequacy: Percentage of women of reproductive age 15–49 years with adequate nutrient intake from food and/or supplements.
  • Nutrient intake: Mean/median nutrient intake among women of reproductive age (15–49 years).
  • Minimum dietary diversity (MDD)-W: Percentage of women of reproductive age (15–49 years) who consumed foods and beverages from at least (≥) five food groups during the previous day.

What foods or food groups is my target group consuming?

  • MDD-W: Percentage of women of reproductive age (15–49 years) who consumed foods and beverages from at least (≥) five food groups during the previous day.
  • The percentage of women (15–49 years of age) consuming any of the food groups measured by the instrument can also be determined.

Target group: Pregnant women: 15–49 years of age

Is my target group consuming foods or food groups that provide adequate nutrients?

  • Nutrient adequacy: Percentage of pregnant women 15–49 years with adequate nutrient intake from food and/or supplements.
  • Nutrient intake: Mean/median nutrient intake among pregnant women 15–49 years.

Target group: Lactating women: 15–49 years of age

Is my target group consuming foods or food groups that provide adequate nutrients?

  • Nutrient adequacy: Percentage of lactating women 15–49 years with adequate nutrient intake from food and/or supplements.
  • Nutrient intake: Mean/median nutrient intake among lactating women 15–49 years.

Target group: Men

What foods or food groups is my target group consuming?

  • Food consumption—healthy: Percentage of men in a specified age range who consumed healthy foods, beverages, and/or food groups during the previous day (e.g., user-defined healthy food, beverage, or food group; or Diet Quality-Questionnaire (DQ-Q) defined groups—see indicator list).
  • Food consumption—amount: Mean/median amount of a healthy food, beverage, or food group consumed by men in specified age range during the previous day.

Is my target group consuming foods or food groups that provide adequate nutrients?

  • Nutrient adequacy: Percentage of men in specified age range with adequate nutrient intake from food and/or supplements.
  • Nutrient intake: Mean/median nutrient intake among men in specified age range.