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Following the development and global dissemination of the generic Community Infant and Young Child Feeding (C-IYCF) Counselling Package by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), interest grew in evaluating the effectiveness of the package. In 2014, a formal evaluation of the package was conducted. The research design and results described in this summary report focus on programming in one Nigerian state, but are intended to inform future programming throughout Nigeria and to provide important insights for other countries where the C-IYCF Counselling Package may be implemented.
Summary Report (PDF, 1.81 MB)
Final Report (PDF, 5.42 MB)
Annex 1: Implementation Resources (PDF, 689.29 KB)
Annex 2: Evaluation Methods (PDF, 863.43 KB)
Annex 3: Tables of Findings from Assessments and Surveys of Health Workers, Community Leaders, and Community Volunteers (PDF, 1.83 MB)
Annex 4: Tables of Findings from Maternal Surveys (PDF, 2.56 MB)
Annex 5: C-IYCF Monitoring Data (PDF, 540.33 KB)
Annex 6: Baseline Data Collection Tools (PDF, 2.14 MB)
Annex 7: Endline Data Collection Tools (PDF, 3.9 MB)
Annex 8: C-IYCF Counselling Package Monitoring Forms (PDF, 815.44 KB)