USAID Advancing Nutrition has funding available through USAID’s New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) to award grants to organizations that are working to improve nutrition in USAID Global Health priority countries. NPI aims to increase USAID’s impact by elevating local leadership, fostering creativity and innovation, and mobilizing resources across the Agency’s programs. These efforts help governments, civil society, and the private sector make progress on countries’ Journey to Self-Reliance, achieve durable results, and create more effective partnerships.
Through NPI, USAID Advancing Nutrition will support new and underutilized partners by issuing grants and providing technical assistance to support the organizations receiving them. The technical assistance provided will help strengthen local partners' systems for effective management of USAID funding and effectively address critical nutrition gaps in their countries and communities. Grants provided by USAID Advancing Nutrition can be used to fund new activities or to build on current programming. USAID Advancing Nutrition will provide technical assistance guided by the needs of the organization and designed to support program design, implementation, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning to deliver nutrition programs.
Do you currently work in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, Mozambique, or Uganda? We want to hear from you. Tell us how to make this program useful for organizations like yours by submitting a response to our Request for Information (RFI) by October 12, 2020. Applications for funding will be available in November 2020.
If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about funding from USAID Advancing Nutrition through NPI, please email grants@advancingnutrition.org.