According to the 2012 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), 18 percent of children in the Kyrgyz Republic under the age of five are stunted, while 43 percent of children ages six to 59 months and 35 percent of women of reproductive age are anemic. The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project in Kyrgyzstan works primarily in Jumgal rayon of Naryn oblast and 10 jurisdictions of Jalabad oblast. This study was conducted to gain a better understanding of dietary practices of families with children under age two, and what factors affect family food consumption, child feeding, and nutrition status. The research was conducted over a period of four weeks in October and November in 2014, immediately following the baseline quantitative survey. The methodology was comprised of six different activities; including focus groups with mothers of young children, key informant interviews with men, a participatory activity with women of all ages, focus groups with Village Health Committees, transect walks with a structured observation guide, and health facility assessments.