USAID Advancing Nutrition is proud to be a part of the 2023 International Maternal Newborn Health Conference (IMNHC) to explain the rationale for, and highlight the importance of, implementing evidence-based, high-quality interventions, tools, and resources at multiple levels to support caregivers to ensure optimal newborn nutrition, health, and development.
Project staff will convene experts to showcase and discuss "Promoting Caregiver Well Being As Part of Holistic Nurturing Care" and lead a skill-building session on supporting caregivers in providing optimal newborn nutrition while delivering presentations highlighting the project’s work.
Concurrent Thematic Session
Newborn Nutrition: Support For Caregivers Can Have A Lifetime Impact
Wednesday, May 10 | 4:35 - 5:35 PM | Room 1.61-1.62
Providing nurturing care, including adequate nutrition, for newborns can be challenging, especially in under-resourced settings with many pressures. Explore evidence-based interventions with families, communities, supportive services, and the enabling environment to support caregivers in providing optimal newborn nutrition and care.
Abstract Presentation
Promoting Caregiver Well Being As Part of Holistic Nurturing Care Programming In Ghana and The Kyrgyz Republic
Tuesday, May 9 | 1:15 - 2:30 PM | Room 2.44-2.46
An engaging discussion on how the Responsive Care and Early Learning (RCEL) Addendum, a package designed for integration with nutrition and health counseling to promote holistic nurturing care, promotes caregiver well-being. We will discuss the feasibility and acceptability of integrating caregiver well-being into nutrition counseling in Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic.
Key Resources
- Caregiver Resources Toolkit: We can enhance the effectiveness of programs by recognizing and promoting Caregiver Resources which enable caregivers to participate in nutrition activities and adopt recommended care and feeding behaviors. The toolkit is designed to encourage more acknowledgement, support, and measurement of Caregiver Resources that are likely to be relevant to providing optimal feeding and nurturing care for young children.
- Responsive Care and Early Learning (RCEL) Counseling Cards & Caring For The Caregiver Module: Evidence shows that integrating approaches to promote nurturing care into existing nutrition programs results in improved outcomes for both nutrition and early childhood development. We developed the Responsive Care and Early Learning (RCEL) Addendum Package, which includes counseling cards, training materials, and an implementation and adaptation guide, to help programs with existing infant and young child feeding (IYCF) components integrate additional components of nurturing care (responsive care and early learning) and provide holistic nurturing care for children from birth to age two. The project is currently pilot-testing the package in Ghana and the Kyrgyz Republic. Draft materials are available for review, with updated materials available summer 2023.
- Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) Case Studies: The case study manuscripts document country experiences in institutionalizing BFHI, including lessons learned and barriers and challenges in policy and program support. They highlight the need to continue to share country processes, tools and experiences of implementing the national responsibilities as countries seek to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding through BFHI.
- Strengthening Breastfeeding Counseling Through Mentorship in Kenya: USAID Advancing Nutrition is developing and testing a model mentorship program to improve the quality of breastfeeding counseling provided by health workers in Kenya. The program is designed to reinforce, strengthen and sustain competencies that providers learn through the 2020 Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) Training Course for Maternity Staff, which is being adapted for Kenya.
- Program Guidance on Engaging Family Members: This guidance translates research findings into practical recommendations for interventions that effectively engage family members in the care and feeding of children. You will find recommendations for engaging family members at key points in the program cycle in ways that support mothers and other primary caregivers and avoid negative consequences.