USAID Advancing Nutrition’s work on adolescent nutrition featured prominently in the latest edition of Field Exchange. This special issue of the Emergency Nutrition Network’s technical publication focuses on adolescents and school-aged children. Adolescence is a critical time in the life cycle, presenting what is often called a "second window of opportunity" in an individual’s growth and development. Good nutrition during this period is especially important as young people increasingly exercise agency and make important decisions related to their diet, eating, and self-care practices—many of which they will continue into adulthood.
Nutrition and Health Systems Advisor Akriti Singh, and Learning Advisor Abby Conrad, along with Tulane University Adjunct Professor Lauren S. Blum, co-authored an article on USAID Advancing Nutrition guidance outlining the key considerations for designing and conducting formative research on nutrition. The guidance provides background on adolescent nutrition and current research gaps, and emphasizes the role of formative research in designing and refining adolescent nutrition programs.
The 66th edition of Field Exchange also featured the USAID Advancing Nutrition Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank. The resource bank is a repository of policies, program examples, guidance and tools to help adolescent nutrition stakeholders improve and expand adolescent nutrition programs and services.
- Read the 66th Edition of Field Exchange on adolescent nutrition.
- Check out our guidance on Conducting Formative Research on Adolescent Nutrition: Key Considerations.
- Search through our Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank to improve your nutrition programming.
- Relive the Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank launch event, which focused on why it’s important to prioritize adolescent nutrition, what is included in the USAID Advancing Nutrition Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank, and how selected resources might be useful for you.