
Andrew Cunningham, JSI
The Global Health Practitioner Conference, hosted by CORE Group, will take place online, from January 27-28, 2021. With a theme of “Unlocking Potential: Prioritizing Child & Adolescent Health in the New Decade,” this flagship conference will bring together a variety of community health advocates to participate in knowledge sharing and skills building sessions. Attendees will learn about recent evidence across sectors and technical areas and contribute to discussions on community health. To attend, register here.
USAID Advancing Nutrition will present on two topics critical to child health and nutrition:
- Integrating Responsive Care and Early Learning Content in Infant and Young Child Feeding Counseling Packages to Improve Early Childhood Development will be presented by Romilla Karnati, Madina Olomi, and Andrew Cunningham of USAID Advancing Nutrition on January 28, 2021 from 10:15 am - 11:15 am EST. The session will help participants understand responsive care practices, their importance for young children’s development, and how to use new responsive care and early learning content developed for integration with infant and young child feeding counseling packages.
- Learning to Respond to Social Norms for Quality SBC Programming to Improve Child Health and Nutrition will be presented by Susan Igras of the Passages Project/ Georgetown University, Kate Dickin of Cornell University and USAID Advancing Nutrition, Laura Itzkowitz of USAID, and Yoeum Phorn of the National Nutrition Program, Cambodia on January 28, 2021 from 9:00 am - 10:00 am EST. The session will help global health practitioners understand key concepts and theories about social norms in health and why they should apply practical learning and resources from social norm work to their intervention design and implementation across child health and nutrition.