Barbara Jordan Conference Center, Washington, DC USA

As a leader in global nutrition and development, the U.S. Government recognizes the critical role that the 1,000-day window between pregnancy and a child’s second birthday has on child growth, cognitive development, and disease prevention. In honor of World Breastfeeding Week and National Breastfeeding Month, the U.S. Government Global Nutrition Coordination Plan hosted an event in Washington D.C on August 2019 to bring together U.S. Government departments and agencies, implementing partners, external stakeholders, civil society, and other breastfeeding advocates to discuss U.S. Government investments in supporting families to breastfeed in the workplace and in communities, and skilled support for breastfeeding.
Event Agenda (PDF, 316 KB)
Webinar Recordings
Watch event videos on Vimeo
Webinar Resources
- Breastfeeding in the United States (PDF, 804 KB)
- Breastfeeding Globally: An Overview (PDF, 1 MB)
- Human Milk as a Biological System: Implications for Infant Feeding (PDF, 819 KB)
- WIC Breastfeeding Support (PDF, 188 KB)
- Breastfeeding Coalition Presentation (PDF, 2.3 MB)
- Community-based Breastfeeding Programs (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Skilled Support for Breastfeeding and Maternity Care: U.S. Experience and Current State of Affairs (PDF, 2.5 MB)
- Addressing Barriers to Exclusive Breastfeeding in Nampula, Mozambique: Opportunities to Strengthen Counseling & the Use of Provider Job Aids (PDF, 1.6 MB)
- Saving Lives in Emergencies (PDF, 210 KB)